Question & Dare's 7!

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Me:welcome back my beautiful jewels! We have some more questions and dares! And there from my online sibling! @poloaq!
Here are the questions!

For phil- would you rather kill or kiss your harem 🤔?

Phil:well.... I don't like killing them.... So I guess I'll rather......kiss them..... *blushes*

Ss harem:*blushes very red*

Me:well that's a good choice phil!
Okay next question!

For Belarus-your gender ?

Belarus:male (in my AU Belarus is a male just like France)

Me:moving on!

For Germany-do you have any sibling's?

Germany:I don't actually know if I have,but I always thought Poland is my sibling he is like a little brother to me.

Polo:aww ger!*hugs him*i also thought of you as my own sibling too!
You are like a big brother to me!

Me:awww cute!


Me:okay moving on with the dares!

For phil- turn into a baby for like- the author's Choice

Me:okay! *snaps fingers*

Phil:wah-*turns into a baby*


Russ:how long for sunshine to stay like that?

Me:hm....when I said it's time for him to turn back to normal I guess...

Ame:and why..?

Me:I love babies!, I have a younger brother like Phil but he is much more younger and I kinda miss him when he was a baby....


Baby Phil:te! Te!


Baby Phil:te!


Baby Phil:*nods*up! Up!

Me:*lifts him up*

Baby Phil:*giggles cutely*

Me:ahhh!!! He is soooooo cute!!!!

Martial:uhh... Sis are you going to continue the chapter or your just going to play with our little brother?

Me:oh right.....

For America-let me slap you

Ame:oh no.... *gets slap*ouch...


Ame:wait.... Since when you get here!?

Polo:teleportation dummy

Me:moving on!

For any country-commit arson

Me:.... Okay....any Valounter?

The Axis, NK,soviet Union, America:*raise there hands*

Me:*sigh*fine.... But you have to fix it once you're done GOT IT?

The Axis, NK, soviet Union, America:*shivers*y-yes...


*after that and they fix it*

Me:did you fix?

The Axis, NK, soviet Union, America:yes

Me:then let's continue with the chapter

For Israel-kidnap your crush and Marry them

Israel:*gasp*okay! *goes to phil*

Phil:oh! Isra! Need something?

Israel:yes*lifts phil up bridal style*and it's you!


Me:*comes out from the other room*okay the wedding is ready now Israel

Israel:okay thanks!

Phil:wait what!?

Me:your going to marry isra phil


Me:come on let's get you dressed*pulls Phil*

Phil:w-wait! S-sis!

*once there out of sight del and martial went to dressed Israel up*

At the wedding ceremony which is in the backyard.

*after the wedding*

Me:We'll that's a great wedding and I'm also tired but we have to finish the chapter before we rest.


Me:okay this is the last dare for today

For France-cosplay... Any


*after France change*

Fran:*comes out cosplaying as his father France Empire*

Me:cool but why your father...France Empire?

Fran:nothing just feel like I want to cosplay as him


Me:well that's all! My beautiful jewels!
Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now