Questions & Dares 14!

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Me:okay we another question's and dares! There all from @poloaq!


Me:let's start!


All:what yall's gender?

All:we're all Male actually...

Me:the only ones are not male is there kids for example Hukbalahap

All again:what is your dream?

All:next chapter

Me:...... Next

For China-guess what your gift will be received in a million years :)


Me:uhhh... Moving on with the dares!

For phil-buy me Graham crackers pls

Phil:...... Fine since you ask so nicely

*after that*

Me:okay next!

For Martial-use the middle finger at the people you hate the most


*after he done that*

Me:okay so.... Who did you..?

Martial:oh! Nazi, Japanese empire, Spanish empire, America, Japan and Spain

Me:.... Okay..? Next

For Phil:cosplay as Ai Hoshino from oshi no ko


Me:here's the outfit Phil*gives it to him*

Phil:thanks ate!

*after he changed*

Phil:ta-dah! What do you think?

Me:kyaahhhhh!!!!! Your so cute Phil!!!!!!

Phil:heheh... Thanks ate

Me:btw Phil @poloaq also dared your son to cosplay too and it's one of Ai's kids

Phil:really!? Then where is my baby boy?!

Martial:his here Phil*shows Palau*

Palau:Mama!!! *runs to Phil and hugs him*

Phil:my baby! *hugs Palau back*so ate which twin did you make Palau cosplay as?

Me:hm? Oh! It's Aqua!


Phil:he looks so cute!

Pal:*giggles cutely*

Me:okay this is the last dare for today!

For America-hold your breath underwater for 30 minutes :]

Ame;..... Ugh! Fine!

*after that*


Ame:not telling

Me:*sigh*okay my beautiful jewels! That's all for today!
See you guys on the next chapter!

Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now