Questions & Dare's 12!

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Me:okay everyone! We have more questions and dares! There all from @NoBraincrlls


Me:*snaps head and glares at him*


Me:anyway.... Let's start but sadly there only 2 questions and 1 dare but I don't mind it,

question's first!

For Phil- who is ur most most fav in the sunshine harem?

Phil:hm..... I think it's either South k., Japan or Israel...

Me:okay next!

For South K.-What is ur fav kpop

South k:hm..... I think it's.... BTS?

Me:okay next!

For martial-i dare martial to
Kiss his harem in the cheek

Martial:*blushes*..... Fine.... I'll d-do it.... *goes to Spanish Empire who was talking to Soviet Union/USSR*

S.E:hm?... Ah! Mi Amor! Need something..?


S. E:mi Am-*gets cut off by Martial kissing his cheek*

S.U/USSR:*face darkened*Spanish Em-

Martial:*let's go of Spanish Empire and yanks Soviet Union/USSR and kiss him on the cheek*

S. E/USSR:.....*blushes*

Martial:*let's go and walks away blushing*

S. U/USSR &S.E:..... *blushes*

Martial:*goes to the Axis power*

J. E:ah! Dārin! (Darling)

(I just used one of @zayunima's pet names from her/his story cause I don't know other languages....🥲and...@zayunima if your reading this....please if you don't mind if I use them....)


I.E:amore mio? (My love)


T. R/Nazi:geliebte...?(beloved)

Martial:*walks towards them kisses them on the cheek and walks away blushing

The Axis:*blushes*....

*after Martial kiss his harem on the cheek except N.K cause his last*

Martial:..... *blushes*N-North...?

N.k:hm..? Yeah?

Martial:*kiss him on the cheek blushing*

N. K:..... *smirks*...

Martial:*pulls away but North pulls him back face only a few inches away*blushes*N-North....!?

N. K:*smirks and then kisses martial on the lips roughly*

Martial:*whimper's and grips N.k's jacket*

Me:.....I Knew he will do that....

Del:I approved 👍!

Phil:umm..... Don't you think they should stop....?

Viet:they probably should... And speaking of which.... Do you guys feel something is a gonna happen?

Bru:now you mentioned it yeah.... *looks behind and sees the ML harem already have there weapons in there hands and has some kind of Aura..(you know what I mean)*gulps and turn his head back around*.....

South k. :brother.... You should stop.... Martial looks like his going to faint...

N. K:*look's at South and then pulls away*

Martial:*pants while blushing face all red*

N. K:*smirk's and kisses martial again roughly inserting his tongue while dipping him down*

Martial:*moans a little in the kiss*

S. K:.......

Phil:my poor eyes.....

Me:..... Gosh.... Damn.... North... WHY!?!?! If you want to do 'it' then go do that somewhere else not here! Like in a bedroom!

N. K:*pulls away and lick his lips while smirking*then I'll just do that then*picks martial up bridal style*

Martial:*blushes really red*......!

ML harem:NORTH..... KOREA....

Me:well your dead have fun....

N. K:*runs away carrying martial*

ML:*chases them*COME BACK HERE!!!!!!

Me:well that's all my beautiful jewels! Please sent more dares and questions!
And don't forget to follow, vote and share this with a friend!

Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now