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Me:okay were back my precious reader's! And we will do the dares today! Just like I said in the last chapter!

China:good for you author... But... About my reward...

Me:oh! Sorry china about that when I said we will find out in the part. But what I meant was we will find out in the next, NEXT part sorry...

China:hm.... Fine then.

Me:pew..... Okay let's start with the dares!

For Phil-also brutally kill your harem but more brutal but spare one of your choices

For Martial-kick somebody in the balls

For America-go to jail and your not getting out until I say so

For Phil (again)-drink vodka


Me:I'm sorry Phil.... But you have to do it...


*after Phil kill his harem except South. K, indo, Japan, ame*

Phil:*comes back with a bloody knife in his hand and some are on his shirt, face and shoes*

Me:Phil... Your back.... So how did-

Phil:Fine.... Can I go to my room now..? *in a brutally voice*

Me:Phil.... You-


Me:..... *sigh*okay


*after Phil went to his room*

Martial:*about to go to Phil's room*

Me:*grabs his arm*martial... We should leave him alone for now...

Martial:.... Okay... But after this can I go and comfort him...?

Me:sure.... Now let's finish the dares


Me:*looks at her phone then shows the dare to martial*

Martial:*smirks*okay~this is going to be fun~

*after that*

Me:*looks at phone until hears screams on the next room*What the-

Martial:*comes back with a big grin on his face*

Me:so who did you kick?

Martial:oh~its Spanish. E,Japan.E and Italy. E~

Me:well that must have been hurt but anyway let's move on*reads*hm.... Well okay, AMERICA!!!!

Ame:*comes in*what?

Me:*show's him the dare*


Me:you have to do it ame or else @poloaq is going to kill you if you don't do it.

Ame:pfft... What is she exactly going to-

Me:*dark tone*Just do the F@cking dare America or else she is 'not' the only who is going to kill you if you don't do your F@cking Dare.

Ame:*Shivers*okay! okay! Just stop with the dark tone! I'm going to have nightmares just by hearing that!

Me:*smiles cheerfully*very good! Now come on!

After the author put America in jail(again)

Me:I'm back!

Malay:so how did it go?

Me:great! I guess....

Indo:does the police ask you again that   why do you bring America to jail even though he didn't do anything bad...?

Me:yep.... But anyway next dare!*reads*oh.... I need Phil for this.... Can you guys go and get him please..?

Info & Malay:okay

*after they bought Phil to the author*

Phil:what is it...? *says in a brutally tone*

Me:I need you to drink this*gives him  vodka*

Phil:hm? *takes it*vodka?



Me:it's a dare

Phil:*stares at her for a moment then drinks*

Malay:are you sure is it okay for him to drink that?

Me:don't know... I mean he never tried vodka before

*a few hours later, the house or should I say mansion starts to have loud music, and was full of mess, the kitchen was full of Jollibee's,the living room is scattered of bottle's of vodka, the rooms starts to have feathers which there from Inside the pillow and a very drunk Philippines who is on top of the rooftop dancing while singing the song 'buwan' and who knows how he get there*


Phil:*keeps dancing and singing*

South. K:why do you even made him drink vodka?

Me:it's not my fault! It was a dare!

Japan:guys we need to think of something or else Phil will fall!!, his literary on the edge of the roof!!

All:*looks up*




Indo:*flies and catches him but he falls as well*

Me and martial:*flies over and catches them*

Malay:pew.... That was a close one...

Me and martial:*sets them down*are you guys okay..?

Indo:yes we are author.... Thanks for catching us...

Me:your welcome Indo now let's go and take Phil to bed

Indo*nods and carries Phil bridal style*

*after they put Phil to bed they clean the mansion and went to bed except the author*

Martial:are you going to sleep sis?

Me:yes just let me say bye to my reader's

Martial:okay... *yawns*good night sis see you tomorrow..

Me:good night and yeah... See you tomorrow... And sweet dreams...

Martial:*smiles*you too sis

*after Martial went to bed*

Me:okay everyone that's it for today! don't forget to leave more dares and questions!
And vote, follow and share this with a friend so bye!
Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now