Questions & Dares!

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Me:okay everyone! We got some questions and dares! And there still from @Poloaq which I won't mind, I'm really enjoying doing her/his dares and questions after all!, let's start the questions first!

For Israel:who do you love and hate?

For Phil:how tall are you:>??

For an idiot?

For China:China:]?

Israel:well.... To be honest... I don't really hate anyone and about who I love well... You already know who, since it's probably so obvious (Phil)

Me:well we do so I guess you don't need to tell us and that person is Phil and he is not here right now since he went shopping with martial so he can't do his question so we will skip him for now so we will do the next question, America?

Ame:No! I'm not an idiot!

Rus:yes you are

Ame:I'm not!

Rus:you are!

*they keep arguing*

Indo:here we go again!

Vietnam:guess we have to wait for martial and Phil to calm them down-


Vietnam:or...We will just leave the author deal with them.

South.k:let the author deal with them

*after that*

Me:good now that's done let's move on and it's china

China:that was not a question,it was a smiley face

Me:well guess you don't need to answer it then, now time for the dares!

For Canada:I dare you to slap the person you hate or love the most >:)

For Phil:I dare you to cosplay as Nezuko From demon slayer :DD

For Japan:cosplay as any anime character of your choice :)

Canada:okay sounds easy ,I'll slap the one I love the most then hate *walks up to America and slaps him then slaps china*

Malay:well ouch...

Me:didn't know you hate china okay next dare! But like i said Phil is not here so we will skip him, now do your dare Japan

Japan:okay! *goes to the changing room and comes out cosplaying as Inuyasha*there!

Me:oh my gosh! You cosplay as Inuyasha!?, I love that anime!

Japan:me too!


Me:I'll get it! *goes and open the door*

Phil:ate! *jumps and hugs me*

Me:Phil! *hugs back*

Martial:hi ate shean

Me:marti!*pulls him to join the hug*your back!

Martial:yep, so may nayari habang kami na wla? (Did something happen while we're gone?)

Me:oo ay Tama!(yes, oh that's right!)


Me:Phil has a question and a dare

Phil:talaga!? (Really!?)

Me:yep! Now come on!

*once there inside*

Me:okay Phil, here are your question and dare

Question:how tall are you?

Dare:I dare you to cosplay as Nezuko from demon slayer

Phil:oh okay you know hinata shoyo from haikyuu?

Me:yes we do Phil but some of us don't.

Phil:okay and yeah.... I have the same height as him... How embarrassing...

Me:don't be embarrassed Phil... Your not the only one who called being short

Phil:but ate!, your much taller than me!

Me:yeah but not that tall, anyway... Do your dare

Phil:okay *goes to the changing room and comes out cosplaying Nezuko *what do you think?

Me:adorable! *took's photo*

Martial:his always adorable and cute sis even I, cannot resist

China:your adorable and cute as well darling~

Martial:*blushes*s-shut u-up!

Me:well my dear viewer's that's all for now! Bye!
Send us more dares and questions!

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