Forever One Direction

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Crystal's Point of View

What the hell, Louis Tomlinson. He shifted and I noticed something odd. His eyes weren't their usual blue/green. The were a scarlet red! What is happening.

What a minute, if Louis is here where are the boys? My question was soon answered when each one peeked their heads around the corner. Each seemed focused on one of us.

Niall was focused on Ivory. Zayn on Selena, Liam on Marisa, and Harry on Camila. Of course lest not forget the wonderful Louis Tomlinson directing all his attention toward me (notice my sarcasm).

Not necessarily all of his attention because apparently he hadn't noticed me staring at him. I also took note that they all had red eyes. If they all had them maybe they were colored contacts, who knows?

Seconds later he made eye contact with me. I couldn't read his emotions. It was hard to tell between worried, frightened, an a bit intrigued. He mouthed something that I couldn't understand.

I looked away and told the others."We better hurry", "Why what's your rush" Marisa asked. "I have this creepy feeling. Oh stop being such a wimp" Ivory said. "I swear I saw someone, call me crazy but it looked like Louis Tomlinson and the rest if one direction" I quickly confirmed. "Ya right" They didn't believe me.

Louis' Point of View

Oh no, she saw me! Even worse she must have seen all the boys. We just stood there staring at each other. I mouthed to her "Don't be afraid". Her fear was clearly written all over her face. She still looked scared when she looked away.

She and her friends started talking and I started worrying that she will say something about us. "We need to get out of her" I told the guys. "Why" Zayn asked. "Do you see that girl" I pointed to her. "What about her" Niall inquired. "She saw us and I think she gonna tell her friends that we're here".

"Then lets just move to a different spot" Liam suggested. "Fine" I grumbled and ran to another building, the others followed. We watched them look over to where we just were. The three girls looked mad at her but the one with blonde hair just had a blank face.

Although I felt bad for her there wasn't anything I could do about it.

Crystal's Point of View

Where did they go that fast. I told them to look and see that one direction was really there but they had disappeared.

Suddenly everyone was giving me an angry stare. Except Ivory, it was strange, I expected her to have the worse of them all.

She said "I have something to tell you guys" Ivory announced. "What" I said in a voice that sounded meaner than I meant it to be. "The reason Crystal probably imagined one direction is because I told her this before I told you guys" She paused.

I had no idea what she was talking about. Before I could say anything she kept talking. "I know I should have waited and told you all at once but I was soo exited I had to tell someone.

"Well then tell us" Camila demanded. "I got us all front row tickets and backstage passes to one direction"


Author's Note

Cliffhanger duh duh duh! I actually managed to write a long chapter this time and I'm very proud of myself. Comment and Vote. I would love to hear anybody's idea for the story!

Plus, if you give me a great idea for one of my chapters I will dedicate that chapter to you. I'm starting to dedicate every chapter to someone. This chapter is dedicated to my friend HoranHutch26. She's so awesome. Go her book called "I'll Do Anything To Be With You.

Anyway love you all, Aubrey 😛

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