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Ivory's POV

I was mad. Mad at the world, mad at everyone and everything. But most of all I was mad at myself. It was all my fault that I had crashed. It was my fault I almost died. Seeing Niall and the look on his face was heartbreaking. He looked like he thought I would be dead.

When I woke up after Crystal had seen me the nurse was checking on me. She asked me to rate the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. It felt like my leg was shattered and my brain hurt. I told her it was an 6 because it hurt but nothing I couldn't stand. She made sure my IV was hooked up right and said the pain should numb in a bit. She told me just to rest and then left.


The next day when I woke up all the boys and Crystal were standing around my bed. They all made remarks about how I was stupid and almost got myself killed which I just laughed at. Niall told me that I would have to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks which I groaned at the thought of not being able to do anything.

"Seriously that's not even fair!" I exclaimed.

"Ivory you broke your leg and have a minor concussion, it's pretty serious" Liam stated.

"But that means I have to deal with nurses checking in on me all the time" I complained.

"Just deal with it and you'll be out of here before you know it" Harry encouraged.

"Ugh fine, did anybody bother to call my parents?" I questioned.

"Yeah I called them, they send their best and were upset they couldn't visit but the distance and all" Crystal said.

"I know. Well I'm hungry I need food" I laughed.

"I'll get right on that" Niall said as he kissed me on the forehead and left to get me something to eat.

The rest of them left to go do their personal stuff as I waited for Niall to get back. My doctor came in to talk to me. He said my concussion would be gone within a few days and they were going to put the cast I would have to wear for a while on my leg today. I decided to get it bright green because hey why not. Niall brought back my food and I ate before getting my cast on.


Finally today I was being discharged from the hospital. It wasn't that bad being in the hospital but I still didn't like people looking after me every hour of the day. Niall signed my discharge papers and carried out my stuff for me because I was on crutches.

He drove me back to Crystal and I's place and brought me and my stuff inside. Crystal was there and she got me McDonald's! I thanked her then at my chicken nuggets and fries.

"Let's do something fun today since you've been in the hospital for a while." Crystal suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"We should go shopping!" she exclaimed clasping her hands together.

"Alright sounds good just give me a half an hour to get ready" I said as I finished up my food.

"Okay I'll be down here when your done" Crystal said as she plopped down on the couch.


I figured out it is really hard to walk up stairs with crutches. Crystal and I had just gotten to the mall. We were in rue 21 looking at some really cute leggings.
We had already been to Hollister where we both got some shirts and jeans.

"Do you think I'd look good in these" Crystal asked me as she held up a pair of mint green tribal print leggings.

"Yeah those are super cute! What do you think about these" I replied as I held up a blue pair of leggings.

"You should so get those" Crystal said.

"And you should get those" I said back.

After walking out of rue 21 we headed to Aeropostale. We got a few things in there then decided it was time that we should head back to our house. On the way back I asked Crystal if she had talked to any of the other girls lately because I was surprised none of them visited me in the hospital.

"Know that you say it I really haven't talk to Camila or Selena" Crystal continued "but Marisa was visiting her parents"

"Oh. Maybe we should get together with them sometime for a girls night" I suggested.

"Yeah that would be cool. We'll have to text them" she said.


We got back to the house and Crystal was making ramen noodles for both of us. She brought our soup into the living room and handed me mine. She grabbed the remote as she flipped through the channels.

"Oh that's right the boys had a live interview tonight" she said as she clicked a channel.


"So tonight I'm here live with the one direction boys, how are you guys tonight" the interviewer asked batting her eyelashes. She had makeup caked on her face and she was clearly trying to flirt with them. They all just replied with good.

"So tell me about you new album four" she said.

"Well we all enjoyed writing and recording and we are excited to perform all the new songs for our fans when we go on tour in a few months" Niall answered.

They were asked some more questions about their album and they also performed steal my girl and it was about time for them to wrap up the interview.

"So I have one last question for you boys that I'm sure everyone's dying to know. Which of you are single and which of you are taken" the interviewer asked them.

"Taken" Niall replied proudly.

"Single" Liam said.

"Single" Harry said.

"Single" Zayn said.

Only Louis was left and I was waiting his answer. I was hoping he wouldn't pull the same thing he did last time. He looked like he was about to reply.

"I am taken" he beamed.

"So Niall and Louis who are the lucky girls" the interviewer asked.

"Her name is Ivory" Niall said, aw he was so cute.

"Crystal is her name" Louis replied.

"You mean that same girl the was just your friend in those pictures before" she questioned, jeez let that go people.

"Yep that's her" he smiled.

"Well there you have it everyone. Thanks boys for being here tonight. See you next time!" She closed and the show ended.

"Well he actually said your his girlfriend this time" I laughed at Crystal.

"Yea" she smiled.

"Well if you could help me up the stairs cus I want to sleep" I requested.


I got into bed and quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.


I haven't updated in so long but I've been trying to get better because I had no ideas to write so I'm really sorry. Hopefully I will be updating more now so ilyasm


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