Hospital visits

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Crystal's POV

When I got to the hospital all the boys were there so I sat down between Louis and Niall.

"How is she" I asked Niall as I say down.

"Well she is out of surgery and they got all the bleeding to stop, but she hasn't woke up yet so we can't see her"

"Oh my good this is all my fault" I said quietly but obviously they heard.

"What do you mean it's all you fault" Niall asked.

"Well we were at the park cus she planned me a surprise party and then she got drunk and wanted to go home and I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen and she left drunk and I think that's what made her crash" I said quickly and in one breath.

"WHAT" Niall's voice bombed across the room, thank god there wasn't anybody else here.

"Look Niall I didn't know and-"

"Ivory could've died, she could still die! And you could've prevented it by not letting her drive! None of us would be here right now, you screwed up this time Crystal, if she doesn't wake up is on you"

That's when I lost it, "Look Niall I'm as worried as you are! And you have no right to say that to me. I tried okay, but she was twice as stubborn as she usually is. Plus I didn't see you there trying to stop her so you have no room to talk" I don't care if he loves her but he can't talk to me like that.

His eyes were orange now, they only got orange when he was really angry. I've never seen him that angry before oh no.

He lunged at me and in a second I was up against the wall with his hand on my throat, cutting off my air. I couldn't breath as I tried to pry his hand off of me. Harry, Zayn, and Liam are trying to pull Niall away and Louis was also trying to get his hand off my throat.

"Niall" I screamed as I tried to get a breath.

"Niall stop it your gonna kill her" Louis screamed too.

Black spots stated to appear in my vision and I knew I wouldn't be conscious for much longer. His grip loosened for a second and I drew in a breath but not nearly enough.

"If you do this Ivory would never forgive you" and then I hit the floor, gasping for breath.

He ran out of the room, probably to get his emotions under control. I was still sitting on the floor trying to get my breathing back to normal. Louis is crouching by my side to see that I'm okay.

"Crystal I'm so sorry I should've known he would do that and stopped him" Louis said.

I just shook my head because I didn't know if I had it in me to speak just yet. I get that he's upset but it isn't all my fault, he didn't have to take it out on me.

I did, with Louis' help, get back to where we were sitting. A few minutes later a nurse came into the room.

"Your friend is awake, but she said she will only talk to Niall or Crystal"

"I'm Crystal" I said standing.

She leads me into a room where a fragile looking Ivory is laying on a hospital bed. I walked up to her and she looks at me.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"As good as I could be after being in a car crash" she laughs.

"Wow Ivory you always try to make a joke of any situation" I laugh along with her.

"Where's Niall" she asked next.

"He was here then he kind ran off" I explained.

"What, why would he do that"

"Well we may or may not have had an argument" I said quickly.

"Crystal what did you do" she wondered.

"It wasn't me! I was telling Niall about how you were being stubborn about driving home then he screamed at me and said it was all my fault then I kinda yelled at him then his eyes turned orange and he lunged at me and almost suffocated me then he ran out" I nervously explained to her, not wanting her to get upset.

She just looked at me and asked if I would call him so he could come see her. I told her anything she wanted.

"And you better work it out with him when he gets here" she sternly said. Then she kinda fell asleep so I went back into the room where the boys were. I dialed Niall's phone number and hope he picks up, for Ivory.

"WHAT" He said as he answered.

"Ivory woke up and she would only see me and you but since you weren't here...."

"What did she say" his voice became softer and he was fully listening.

"She asked where you were and I told her about our argument, then she feel asleep and the nurse just went back into to check on her"

"Okay well when she wakes up again if I'm not there already tell her I'm on my way, and sorry... about before" he apologizes.

"It's fine, even if you did almost suffocate me.... but seriously I'm not mad" I told him. We said good bye and then I hung up.

I went back in to see Ivory again, and told her Niall was gonna be here soon. She seemed really happy about it.

Niall came into the room and rushed up to Ivory and started asking her a million questions. They included are you okay, do you need anything, and what were you even thinking.

"Bring in the rest of the boys" Ivory requested.

"Sure thing, just a sec" I went to go get them all.

They all came in and the room got a little crowded. I sat down to try and make some space in the room.

"Wow Ivory you look like you got hit by a truck" Harry commented.

"Well hitting a tree is almost the same thing" she laughs a little, knowing he was making a joke.

"Did they tell you what's wrong with you now" Loan asked concerned.

"Well I broke my leg and I scratched up my arm pretty bad, they said the stitched it up to stop all the bleeding' and I think I might have a concision or something" she explained.

"Next time listen to me about when you shouldn't drive, you could've died!" I told her, just being relieved she is find be ok.

"They told me I was lucky too, ya know that you found me. They said if it would've been an hour later I wouldn't have lived." she explained. Oh my god she is super lucky.

"Yeah Ivory I was so scared because you were unconscious, please don't ever do that to me again" Niall said.

"Sorry to bother you but visiting hours are over, unless you are family you all have to leave"

We all said goodbye and left the hospital. I told her I would come see her tomorrow and for her to get some sleep.

I also went home. I went to bed and a few minutes after I fell into a sound sleep.

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