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I decided to come out of my room and apologize to Crystal. But when I went downstairs she wasn't there. So I checked the kitchen, living room, tv room, the bathroom, her room, everywhere but she wasn't there. Where could she be?!


Where r u??!!!!

From: Crystal

I thought you'd be in ur room all night so went out


Well u thought wrong! Where r u??!!!

Ugh now she won't answer me! Wait a minute I bet I know where she is! I was about to grab the at keys when I realized first of all I can't drive and second of all Crystal took the car. Well I guess I'm walking. The question is which of the boys' flat would they be at? Eh I'll try Liam's flat first.its not to far from Crystal and I's flat.

When I arrive at Liam's flat I see Crystal's car outside. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. Harry opens the door, when he realized who I am he tries to close the door but I stopped him before he could.

"Where's Crystal?" I asked him trying to be nice cause right now I was really mad at Crystal right now not to mention the fact that Niall's most likely here too.

"Uh.. er..yeah"

"Well you gonna let me in or just stand there?"

"Oh ya come in"

I walked in and saw her sitting on the couch next to Louis.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were?!" I asked her trying to keep my cool.

"I told u why"She replied 'matter-of-factly.

"Ivory can I talk to you?"Niall asked me. I sighed.

"I guess so" we walked outside and just kinda stood there until I said "If your not gonna talk I'm leaving"

"No please don't I was just trying to find how to explain this to you"

"Well you better do a good job"

"You're probable not going to believe me but this honestly is the truth."He let out a deep breath before beginning.

"A few days ago the boys and I were walking back to my flat when we heard a scream. We went to see what it was and in this dark (A/N tee hee hee dark) alley there was this girl who's name I think was Cassie started snogging with Harry then they disapeared then one by one she took us away and.... Umm..... Well.... She turned us into vampires!"

"Oh my god!" Is all I cold say.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me!" He said.

"No I believe you"

"You do? Why?"

"Cassie was my friend, then she turned into a vampire and tried to turn me into one but I wouldn't let her and then one day she was gone"


"You aren't going to bite me are you?" I asked worried.

"No I would never do that to you!"

"Why didn't you just tell me in the first place?"

"I was afraid you would leave me" he said.



Hey! It's Quinn aka HoranHutch26 me and Aubrey aka Aubrey0402 are now writing the story together since I write most of it anyway. So we really hope u like this chapter! And sorry for any spelling mistakes!

Love, Quinn and Aubrey

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