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Liam's POV

The boys and I were hunting and I had strayed off a bit not finding anything where they were. We were in the woods near the back roads to Ivory's and Crystal's flat. I heard something crash near the road so I went to check it out. turns out some car wrecked, it actually looks a lot like ivory's car. I super sped over to the car and looked in. Oh my god it is Ivory I have to go get Niall. But her blood smells so good. No Liam go get Niall, I hurried up and went back to where the boys were and quickly got Niall.

"Niall come with me hurry!" I practically screed grabbing him.

"Woah Liam calm down what's wrong"

"It's Ivory, she's hurt" Well that got his attention.

"Why didn't you just say that! Where is she!?"

"Her car crashed, she's by the road come on" We super sped over to her.

"Oh my god Ivory" Niall said to her. "It's ok you're gonna be ok I'm gonna get help" he pulled out his phone and quickly dialed 911.

"Hello 911? Yes uh my girlfriend has been in a crash I just found her send an ambulance. We're on Johnson Ave. please hurry."


Niall's POV

The ambulance arrived after a short while and they put Ivory in it. They said one of us could ride with her so I got in.

She was still unconscious but I held her hand and kept telling her everything was going to be all right. Even now, unconscious and bloody, she was still so beautiful.

The smell of her blood didn't bother me at all, I knew I would never hurt her. I could smell the alcohol on her too. God dammit Ivory, she was drunk and crashed. The smell was very faint to me so I was thankful nobody at the hospital would be able to smell it.

We arrived at the hospital after a while and they immediately started to get Ivory out and into the ER. As they ran her in I ran beside them, not letting go of her hand.

We got inside and a doctor ran up to us. They said she had to have surgery or else they wouldn't be able to stop the bleeding. As I let go of her hand they rushed her into surgery.

"We have a few questions about your friend we would like to ask you" another doctor says as he walked up to me.

"Girlfriend" I corrected, "and sure"

"Are you the one that found her"

"Yes, I was walking along the road and saw her car. So I ran up to see that she was inside and called 911." I lied, thinking there would be more questions that I couldn't answer if I told the entire truth.

"Do you have any idea what happened that made her crash"

"No, well she crashed into a tree so I would say maybe she was just so tired she feel asleep for a split second, or she just lost control of the car" I was only telling him lies to protect her.

"Okay well that's all I wanted to know for now, have a seat and we will keep you updated."

"Okay, thank you" I said as I say down and pulled out my phone to call everyone.

This was going to be a very long night.

Crystal's POV

I was a bit worried about Ivory, she left the park before me and she still wasn't home. I hope nothing happened to her. She was being really stubborn and she was still drunk.

I got a call from Niall and immediately answered it.

"Hello" I answered

"Crystal you need to come to the hospital, it's Ivory" Niall sounded very worried.

"What happened!? Is she hurt!?" oh god Ivory what did you do.

"She crashed her car and now she is in surgery. Just get over here as quick as you can"

"God dammit Ivory. Okay I'm on my way" I said as I hung up and rushed into my car.



Well guys we haven't updated in forever but I'm thinking on doing weekly updates so let's see how that goes, they will be Fridays so next update will be in two days cus I already have it done!

This chapter was written by me (Aubrey) and so is the next one except for a few things Quinn put in.

So untill Friday, read vote comment

Luv you all, Aubrey✌️and Quinn🌺

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