The Interview

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"They look so cute together!" I heard somebody say.

I rolls over and hugged my pillow closer. My pillow was really warm.

"Not as cute as us though"another voice said.

"Ya, definitely not" the first voice agreed.

Wait..did my pillow just move?!?! I think it just did again!

I screamed and jumped up. I was on the couch, I thought I was in my bed. Why were Louis and I sleeping on the couch together!?

"Wha" Louis said just waking up.

"Darn it! I wanted to get a picture of you two" Ivory complained. The voices must've been her and Niall.

"Umm...thanks for waking me up guys" I said to Niall and Ivory, my voice laces with sarcasm.

"You are welcome!!!" Ivory answered.

I didn't actually... you know what, never mind. What are you guys doing here so early" I asked.

"It's 10:57, it isn't early" Niall told me.

"Oh" was all I replied with.

Why were you and Crystal sleeping on the couch together" Ivory asked Louis who was fully awake now.

"She had a bad dream so I thought I would comfort my girlfriend" Louis explained.

Awww, he called me his girlfriend! This is a dream come true!

"So you guys are official now, huh" Niall inquired.

"Yup, and I couldn't be happier!" Louis replied with the biggest smile on his face.

"Well we have to go, we've got that interview today"

"That's today!? Okay, let me go gram my stuff"

He rushed up stairs and came back down with his jacket and other things. he hurried to slip his shoes on them came back over to me.

"You'll be watching my interview, right?" he asked as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it" I replied to him as he and Niall were almost to the door.

"See you soon, bye!" Niall told Ivory and Louis told me goodbye also. and with that they were out the door.

"What do you want to do today" Ivory asked me.

"Let's have a lazy day" I answered.

A lazy day is when we pick out our favorite movies, and put on our favorite pajamas. Then we get tons of junk food and watch movies all day long.

"I'm cool with that, I'll go put on my pj's and I see you wore yours last night so you already have them on, so go get me food!!!!" Ivory demanded.

K, come to the kitchen when your done" I told her.

I went into the kitchen and opened the freezer. I got put the frozen soft pretzels and put them in the microwave. While I was waiting for them to cook I remembered Ivory didn't know we had a garbage disposal in the sink. idk why I thought of that, I'm just weird I guess.

"Crystal, the pretzels are burning" Ivory said as she walked into the kitchen.

I hurried and pulled it out of the microwave. It was ruined! I threw it in the sink so the garbage disposal could get rid of it.

"Why did you do that, to perfectly good food!" she yelled leaning her head down it the sink. I turned the garbage disposal on.

She screed and jumped back. Haha, I am so mean. The look on her face!! It was priceless!!!!!!

"Ur such a jerk" she said.

"I know" I stated while laughing.

I opened the freezer to so if we had any more pretzels, which we didn't. So I grabbed a tub of ice cream and handed it to her.

"Eat this since we don't have anymore pretzels left" I told her.

"Okay" she said and grabbed a spoon. then she went into the living room.

I grabbed some chips and mad my way to the living room. Ivory had already put 'Titanic' on.

"Yay!!!!" I yelled as I ran over to the couch and started to watch the movie.

"What if she doesn't know how to hole her breath? huh? huh? she is a rich idiot! what if she just goes like 1 2 3 and breathes into her hands to 'catch' her breath. 'Jack it's heavy can you hold it?" said Ivory.

"FOR GODS SAKE TOSE STOP HOGGING THE WOOD ROSE!!! YOU NOT THAT FAT GOD!!! IF YOU LOVE JACK MOVE YOUR FAT ASS OVER!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the tv. the movie ended and we turned on the interview.

*at the interview*

"Hello boys!!!!" the interviewer said.

"Hi" Liam replied.

"How have you been" she asked, fluttering he eyelashes.

"We've been pretty good" Harry told her.

"So we have some photos we'd like to ask you about"

"Fire away" said Harry. She pulled up a photo of Ivory and Niall first. Niall kinda smiled then waited for we what all knew the interviewer, who's name I think was Annabeth, was going to ask.

"So who's this girl" she asked.

"Umm...err...that's my umm...friend Ivory" he said. Ohhhh he better watch out for Ivory when the interview is done.


"Are you two more that friends?" Annabeth asked.

Niall blushed and answered "yeah"

"YA BUDDY THAT RIGHT YOU GO NIALL!!!!!!" Ivory shouted.

"wtf Ivory" I said. next she pulled up a picture of Louis and I.

"And Louis who might this be, your special someone?" she questioned.

"Umm, that's just a good friend of mine" Louis answered.


Cliffhanger!!! comment what you thought of this chapter.

I'm so proud you guys reached the vote goal!!!! can we do 5 votes for the next chapter, I know you guys can!!

270 reads, I'm screaming right now! Keep on voting commenting, and sharing!!!!!!!!!

I'm thinking of writing a new fanfic. it will be a Zayn one. do you think I should. comment what you think!!!

Luv u guys, Aubrey and Quinn 😛

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