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"Track your progress."

In walking the writing path, tracing every milestone is significant, until we reach success. By taking a glimpse of how far we went already, we will be motivated more to pursue until the end of our journey. We may not view the end of the road as of this moment, but we might be amazed by the distance we already ran through—how tough we are. Celebrate small wins: when you finish a chapter, complete a novel, acquire a single, genuine reader, pass a manuscript submission, publish a book, sell a few or handful copies of your book, join and/or win a writing contest, and so on. In that manner, optimism will take over your mind. When you allow your heart to be grateful, then it will lead you to joy and satisfaction.

"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," the Scripture says. Count your achievements rather than your defeats. As you review all that God has done for you, you will think positively, which will lead you to striving hard, then finally to victory. In contrast, when you ponder on your failures and shortcomings, despair will dominate your heart, which will result to the termination of goals. Consider every progress you make; it is relevant. Every step you take forward matters.

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