Chapter Five

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As the gloomy afternoon hours that led up to dismissal rolled in, Kaylee stared distractedly out the rain and dirt smeared windows of her classroom.

She followed each raindrop trail until it reached the bottom of the window sill and merged with the developing puddles.

Getting into the surveillance camera account the day before had been strikingly easier than she anticipated.

As they arrived home from their unplanned family excursion, Jessica pulled Kaylee aside and requested to stay in her room. She attributed the desire to an odd noise that had started in her room which her parents had allegedly agreed to find the source of and fix that night or the following day.

Kaylee found it a bit odd since neither of her parents were really the handy type, but she didn't mind spending the night with her sister, and she had some personal things she wanted to spitball with her anyway so she refrained from probing.

Before the girls could even fully step inside the house, Christian was demanding Kaylee upstairs and asking Jessica to help him with something in the living room.

Jessica looked like an on-edge frightened animal as she nodded wordlessly and moved towards the living room to retrieve the creaky wooden chair that resided in the nearby storage closet.

Kaylee tried to study her closely but her father repeated his command in a more harsh voice which she knew meant he was growing impatient.

She began to make her way up the stairs but before she fully ascended she turned back around with an eyebrow quirked with intent.

"Daddy, can I borrow your phone? I need to record something for a project and my storage is full."

With a grumble he pulled the device out of his pocket and tossed it to her which she caught with elevated coordination, an action Jessica likely would have failed at if attempted.

"Just delete everything when you're done, I don't need you wasting my storage too."

She nodded then turned and quickly made her way up the rest of the stairs.

The sound of the chair scraping against the floor was noticeable and ear-splitting until she reached her room, where suddenly it became a dulled almost nonexistent reverberation.

She closed the door ignoring the seemingly unexplainable fact and got to work on her mission.

Kaylee sat on her bed and opened her father's email app quickly using the search bar to find what she needed using key words like "account" "surveillance" and "cameras" and was nearly overwhelmed with happiness when finally one email stood out amongst the rest confirming an account subscription.

As soon as she had confirmed that her father's email was attached to the account she opened the surveillance app attached to the house's new internal cameras and immediately hit "forgot password" which resulted in the phone buzzing with an email notification.

She cleared the notification from his activity to make sure she covered her tracks then opened it and considered for a moment what she could change it too that wouldn't be insanely noticeable, she eventually settled on a basic password her father commonly used for everything. If he attempted to log in on another device she was sure it would be one that he'd use as an attempt if his initial trial failed.

She was hit with a "Password cannot be the same as previous password" message and she paused before giggling to herself.

"Not me already knowing the password, so predictable."

Kaylee deletes the email and clears all the apps before going onto her phone and logging in feeling triumphant and silly for not attempting to use her dad's most commonly used password before embarking on the mission of getting his phone and scouring through his email.

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