Chapter Seventeen

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The party slowly died down as people ate their last servings and left, giving Jayden their birthday wishes and saying goodbye. Once everyone was gone, we helped clean up then we all showered and ended up in Camila's room.

"So how'd you enjoy your party Jay?" Camila sprawls out on her bed, Kaylee sits in one of the room chairs, I settle on the floor and as Jayden walks in he plops down next to me and lays his head down on my lap, "It was nice, the vibes were good."

"What I wanna know was if you enjoyed the party Ms. Gonzalez?" Kaylee questions mysteriously which results in Jayden and I raising our eyebrows. Camila smirks cryptically before she answered, "I would say I did."

"What does that mean?" Jayden finally asks since it didn't seem she was going to elaborate on her own. "Nothing." She shrugs unconvincingly and I started to feel anxious because I didn't want Jayden to go into protective brother mode.

"It's clearly not nothing."
"Okay, well how about it's just none of your business?"
"I'm your brother, of course it's my business."

Camila groans visibly regretting having even said anything.

"It's literally nothing, I just talked to a guy I think is attractive at the party, that is all. Can we drop it now?"

Jayden's eyes remained narrowed and trained on her but he didn't say anything else.

"How about you Kaylee? Anyone at the party you liked?" I asked in hopes of taking the heat and attention off Camila.

"No, not really." Her attempt to sound nonchalant and unimpressed were easily detectable but I saw no use in pushing the subject.

"That is complete bull, you definitely liked the guy you were talking to."
"I did not."

And the two girls begin to go back and forth at a pitch that seemed one decibel too high and a speed that was way too fast to follow.

Jayden sighs tiredly moving closer to me for what I assumed was warmth since Camila's room was freezing. I brush his hair back then lean down and lightly kiss his temple, since it was most accesible to me.

"Okay but marriage girl? Be so for real right now."
"What? That's not that delusional to say."
"Even Jayden and Jess wouldn't say that about each other."
"Yes they would, it's a mentality."

The girls look to us as if we were supposed to be following their argument and now know whose side to take. Jayden was practically passed on on my lap and I had honestly been dissociating for the past ten minutes so I didn't know what was going on and I'm sure that was evident on my face.

"Jay, be honest, would you—"

Jayden's hum in response interrupts the question as he keeps his eyes shut and arms cuddled with my thighs.

"Well listen, I don't wanna marry anybody right now I just want a first date you know."
"Then call him."
"I dare you, just grow a pair and call him."

I looked between the two girls like I was watching a tennis match. I didn't know whether to encourage it or not because personally, I didn't care if the girls went on an innocent date or two, I think wanting that is a normal part of growing up, but I'm also fully aware that Jayden does not have the same thought process when it comes to Camila. 

"You have his number?" I ask hesitantly, "Yeah. We've been friends for a while." Kaylee throws her hands up dramatically, "You both clearly like each other, call him."

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