Chapter Fifteen

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I'm startled out of my sleep by our age group's foster mother screaming. I hadn't actually taken the time to learn her name yet. I'd been here for a little while now, it was just that I didn't care all that much. There were several adults here that I still didn't know by name.

"Wake up ladies, it's adoption day." She announces with a booming voice going down each hallway.

I tiredly raise my head off the pillow and look at Maya through a squint, "What does that mean?" She sighs standing up, starting to get dressed.

"Parents come and judge you like you're some show pony and if they like you, they'll take you. If not, you're stuck here and you feel greatly insulted." I roll my eyes and flop my head back onto the bed.

Eventually we all rise to get dressed. I put my hair in a braid and flatten my sundress out. Kaylee saunters into my room already dressed and sits on my bed patiently waiting for me to do her hair.

I wasn't sure I wanted either of us to get adopted, I'd be eighteen in a few years and then I'd be able to take care of her on my own. We wouldn't need to rely on anyone else.

Still, I knew it was better to just go along with the antics of this place so I simply fix her outfit and pull her hair into frilly pigtails so she didn't radiate "I'm difficult," which was hard for Kaylee.

Once ready, we stand outside our room doors and watch as the couples are allowed in. They walk right by, criticizing us in front of our faces, sometimes stopping to stare like we were animals at a zoo. We were either too short, or too fat, too ugly, or just "didn't fit the family look."

I was beyond offended but I remained quiet and maintained my fake smile. A nice looking couple stopped in front of me and I prepared myself for another blow.

"So what's your name?" I was thrown off by the fact that they were actually speaking to me, and also shocked by the normalcy of the question, but still managed to gather myself and answer, "I'm Jessica, nice to meet you both... How are you?" They grin and I see I had their attention.

"Good, and you? How do you like it here?"
"Fine. This place isn't horrible there's just loads of chaos."

They smile at my candor but it was honestly just easier than trying to lie.

The women leans over to the man, I was used to this move, it meant they were going to discuss me.

"I like her."

Did not expect that.

He nods agreeing before they turn their attention back on me.

"Would you mind if we adopted you?" My eyes went wide involuntarily and my hand flew to my ring finger to practice my nervous habit as a wave of uncertainty hit me.


I didn't anticipate us being chosen this early. We've only been here a few months. And that was less than a ten minute conversation, how were they so sure that they wanted to let me into their lives? What did this mean for me? New home? New family? I might be on board for that, but I'm not on board with leaving Kaylee. She hates this place and she would go nuts if I left her.

"um.. no, NO. I wouldn't mind that at all. But, my sister's here too and I can't leave her behind."

They nod understanding, "Which one is your sister?" I excuse myself quickly and go over to Kaylee. My palms started to sweat as my anxiety bubbled and I could only calm my mind by reminding myself that this would probably fall through, it usually does.

I spot her talking to a snobby-looking couple, the wife being engulfed by a fur coat while the man wore a stuffy tux. I cut in and excused her politely to bring her back with me.

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