Chapter Twenty Seven

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The sun beaming through the cracks of my drapes is what wakes me up and by it's intensity I could tell it was around noon. I couldn't help being surprised that Greg was completely holding up his end of the deal and I wondered how he was convincing Maria.

Sitting up I took a moment to assess my situation. My head felt a bit clearer, the water wasn't as murky and I sensed myself being able to form some coherent thoughts. I didn't feel happiness per se but at least I didn't feel this buried uncontrollable rage.

I released my hair from its ponytail and ran my hand through the mess. There was still some numbness but I'm sure it's a side effect to the drugs.

With a glance down at my body, I rolled my eyes at the fact that I was still in my outfit from yesterday. Feeling dirty I got up and went into my bathroom taking my time peeling away the clothes that felt a bit sweaty, probably from restless sleep or another side effect of the drugs, and slip into the shower.

The fog took over my mind and I found it hard to pay attention, but it felt like only seconds had passed before I had unconsciously cleaned myself entirely and was stepping out.

I dry myself then wrap my body in the towel strolling into my room.

My phone repeatedly lights up and buzzes in its place on my nightstand and I sighed knowing that would be my group of friends having a panic attack because I wasn't in school. There was no doubt they would try to show up

I change into a different set of pajamas, not expecting to do anything today then lay on my bed again, turn on my TV, and try to ignore my phone. I was determined to use this time to relax and somehow get back to my normal self.

Everything was calm until the loud knocking on my window jolted me awake. I didn't remember falling asleep, but I was proud of my body for allowing it. I definitely felt more rested.

Looking towards the window, the familiar figure of my boyfriend was obvious as it was outlined through the curtains. I was glad he couldn't see into my room because then he would expect me to allow him in, something I wasn't really in the mood to do today. He would only interrogate me.

Jayden continues knocking. I debated whether I should tell him to go away or just wait for him to leave on his own.

It's not that I didn't appreciate him, I did. He had an admirable amount of patience and dedication and I was grateful for him. But he was also a bit overbearing and I needed space.

The knocking soon stops and I released a small sigh of relief. That was when I knew I wasn't my normal self. Any other day I would have snuck him in and tried to force him to stay till midnight. I felt different, and I was sure the only way I could get back to myself at this point was to just fake it.


"So Jessica. How is the medication?"

It was clear she was trying to subtly investigate whether I was taking my pills and genuinely trying to get better.

"Fine. I've been sleeping more but it makes me kind of nauseous, and sometimes I'll sweat or get panicky."

She was shocked I was consistently following her directions, but she tried her best to stay professional and keep her expressions masked.

What worried me most was the fact that I was being forced to go back to school tomorrow. Maria finally put her foot down and said that whatever scheme Greg and I had going on had to stop. I wasn't sure how much she knew or how she knew it at all, but I chalked it all up to women's intuition.

Even though Maria knew about our plan, it didn't change my terms— only Greg's. I still had to take my meds and go to therapy but instead of radio silence from humanity I had the threat of hospitalization looming over me. She said she was worried I would hurt myself and that she had never seen me so down, but I didn't know what she was talking about, I've had lower points in my life. At least this time I was still kind of numb.

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