Chapter Nine

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When I woke it was dark outside Kaylee's room windows and rain was pattering against them rhythmically.

Kaylee is at her desk scribbling in some notebook, it wasn't clear whether it was an assignment or distracted doodling.

I look around scanning her room confused on what it was that pulled me out of my surprisingly peaceful slumber only to be enlightened by Kaylee's room door creaking open. Even despite the sound proof insulation my parents installed, I had developed a sixth sense for their proximity.

"Jessica, downstairs in five. We need your help with something." I met his serious eyes through the crack in the door and give a single tight lipped curt nod before he disappeared into the shadows.

With audible effort, I sit up trying to massage out the soreness in my limbs. My stomach gurgled brutally as I anticipated the walk down the stairs and withstanding whatever cruel thing they had planned for tonight.

As I begin to stand up I finally notice Kaylee looking at me with sorrowful eyes, they held the guilt of the entire world and though she said nothing, the way she kept biting her lip revealed everything.

"Jess what if you just don't go?"
"That'll only make it worse KK."

She threw the notebook off her desk before letting her head fall into her hands mumbling something incoherent.

I wanted to comfort her but I knew if I delayed any further I'd only be worsening my sentence so I began dragging myself towards the door.

"If I can't make it stop, at least let me give you a night off, I'll take the blame." I sigh with my hand on the door knob wishing that it was actually possible for her to do that without the threat of them finding out that Kaylee had been enlightened once again.

"Kaylee look—" I turn around to meet her eyes but am throw off to see she has the phone pressed to her ear.

"Hey Jayden, yeah it's Kaylee." My mouth falls agape and I'm suddenly filled with more panic than Christian made me feel when he announced it was time for my reckoning.

"What are you doing?" I hiss in a whisper instantly speeding towards her to snatch the phone.

"No, she fine right now but something seems off—" She smacks my extended hands away and swivels away from me on the chair, "—and Jess told me about your offer obviously not planning to take you up on it—" I could feel my blood pressure rising as I continuously failed in my dives for the phone. "—but I think she should."

"Kaylee De la Cruz give me the phone right now."
"Hold up, I think she wants to talk to you."

My eyes shoot open and I hastily take a few steps back putting my hands up in defense and fervently shaking my head.

"That's what I thought." She remarks sassily, "Nevermind— but I was thinking there may be a way for me to sneak us out and take the blame so she can get a night off, if that's cool with you."

I had to admit a night off sounded blissful, I couldn't remember the last time I had a night off, but this wasn't something we could do on a whim.

"Oh yeah I remember you saying something about a sister, so your family wouldn't mind if we spent the night?— True, we have been a few houses down since like forever."

My heart was beating out of chest as I witnessed the exchange from afar, it was hard not to feel presumptuous inviting ourselves over to someone's home, even if they had casually proposed the idea first.

"Okay thanks, yeah give your parents the heads up and we'll make our way over now— alright, bye." She puts the phone down harshly and gives me narrowed annoyed eyes. "Was that so hard?"

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