Chapter Twenty

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Kaylee held a damp towel to my bleeding arm. It was sure to leave a permanent scar. We hadn't seen any adults in over an hour. I was exhausted and starving, but I kept my eyes open fearing that once I closed them, they would never open again.

I didn't know where we were, and I didn't have a plan.

Once I observed our surroundings, I knew there was only one exit. The door. The door that was annoyingly placed in the front, near the three adults who were all maliciously plotting together.

It had three locks. There was no way I could get to the door, unlock it silently, get Kaylee out, rush out myself, and run as far as it took without getting caught. On top of that, the vehicle was still in motion. If we jumped and hurt our legs, we were done for. If I jumped and fell on my arm, with the new pain that would erupt, I would be done for. I didn't have much faith.

I knew that the only escape would be once we stopped at whatever set location there was. Then, I would be able to scout the area and make a new plan.

Footsteps approach and I groan certain I didn't have the willpower for round two.

My mother appears but another voice quickly sounds getting her attention.

"Kaila. We need to stop."
"No we're not stopping till we get there."
"If I don't stop, we'll run out of gas in the middle of the road. A cop could come over to help us, see your bleeding child, and then we're fucked."

My mom growls going back to the driver's section, away from our view. I started to deliberate. It was a very slim opportunity but obviously one we needed to take. Who knows how long it would be until our next stop and by then we could be in another country.

"Kaylee help me up." She stands to help me. A sore ache screamed every time I moved, and there was nothing I could do to silence it. I limped lethargically to the bathroom trying to gather strength and feeling in my legs.

I get to the bathroom and turn the faucet on, water came out in an awfully slow stream. I splash my face trying to wake up and take a few sips hoping to rectify the dryness in my throat. On the corner of the small rusting sink I see a hair tie and grab it quickly, pulling my hair into a ponytail that was supposed to help me concentrate. I look at myself in the mirror and saw a mess the size of a train-wreck.

It was a good thing. If we somehow managed to get out of here, people would automatically be alarmed by our appearance.

I shake my good arm and legs regaining feeling, then jump around a bit in place taking deep breaths. "Okay. You can do this Jess." I splash some more water on my face before drying myself and walking out more confidently.

I see Kaylee sitting on a raggedy pillow, radiating exhaustion with her head in her hands.

I squat to her level and lower her hands from her face.

"Listen to me. It's dangerous and it's stupid, but as soon as this gross trailer stops, we are running like hell."

Her eyes bug out at my wild and reckless plan.

"You will be going in front of me. You will not turn back at all. You will not check on me. Do you understand?" She slowly nods tearing up, most likely envisioning the worst.

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