Chapter Sixteen

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"I miss you." I scoff and roll my eyes, "You saw me like two days ago." He groans exaggeratedly, "Yes. But now that I know you're only like a five-minute walk away from me again— I miss you."

I smile jubilantly and roll over onto my back, "Jayden which one of us is the clingy girlfriend?" He chuckles dryly, "Ha ha. Real funny Cortez."

My door is slammed open and I look over in confusion to see Kaylee entering with a sour look on her face.

"Jayden I'll call you back later. It's seems my sister has lost her damn mind." He starts dying of laughter as I put the phone down hanging up on him to sit up.

"Explain." I demand harshly annoyed with her. "Who were you talking to?" I scrunch my nose perplexed, "Jayden. Why do you care?"

She closes the door then stares at me with hard eyes, "You're not allowed to speak to him anymore."

This little girl has really gone nuts.

"I'm sorry? —"
"Camila and I are in a huge fight, speaking to him means you're basically on her side." My eyes went wide at how overly dramatic she was.

"Kaylee, I will not be put in the middle of your petty middle school argument." I pick up my phone and she starts to freak out.

"You're supposed to be on my side, you're my sister! And if you were a good one you would just do this for me."

My mouth opens in shock as I stare at her in disbelief.

I am a great sister. I have literally risked my life for her. I didn't tell my parents she knew about the abuse all along, I got shot for her, I shielded her from her father, I even convinced the freaking couple downstairs to adopt both of us instead of just me. I am an amazing sister.

Her fight was probably something ephemeral and irrelevant but if I didn't stop speaking to my boyfriend and side with her I'm a bad sister?

"Fine. You have a week, or less actually. What I really should give you is a pillow to the face. Now get out of my room."

She rolls her eyes and stomps out the same way she came in. I scoff bitterly, "Ungrateful little..." and I flop back down on my bed. My phone buzzes twice and I lift it annoyed.

Jay: Apparently there's beef & I can't talk to you for a week, bye bitchh.

I suck my teeth stifling a chuckle, he was such an idiot. I check my other notification and see a reminder for the small get together the Gonzalez family was throwing for his birthday.

I groan standing up and going to Kaylee's room seeing her on her bed watching tv. "Does this stupid fight mean you're not going to his birthday party?" She doesn't even glance at me, "We'll see." I scoff closing her door walking back to my room.



Five days go by with no contact between Jayden and I. It wasn't a huge deal I just couldn't figure out why I was still doing this when I hadn't even been given a valid reason for it. I wasn't even sure what this fight was about and here I was being pulled in the middle.

I lie on my bed bored getting a text from Maddie.

Mads: So are you finally being allowed to speak to your very attractive boyfriend?

I roll my eyes wanting to know the answer to that question myself.

I get up and walk to Kaylee's room seeing her on the phone. "Kaylee." She holds up a finger silencing me, I huff pulling my hair up into a bun while I wait.

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