Chapter Thirty

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My leg was bouncing a hundred miles a minute while I chewed on my painted nail nervously.

I sat on my stone patio steps dressed in a white checkerboard cropped tank top and black ripped skinny jeans, my hair was out as a ploy to make myself feel more confident. I let it fall in front of my face as a shield from the night air and looked up and down the street seconds away from backing out of this very stupid idea.

"It's one of the last ones. After this you can look for new ways to feel better. Ways that won't get you grounded for life if you're caught." I negotiated with myself in a hushed whisper. It wasn't like anyone was out late enough to hear me anyway.

I assumed the only thing keeping me from being a sleep deprived mess in the mornings was the adrenaline. I somehow still managed to wake up every morning and put on a show for my adopted parents. It wasn't something I was exactly proud of, but it was notable.

The large black range rover skids to a stop in front of my house booming loud rap music. The window closest to me rolls down and the sound amplifies making my eyes go wide in alarm.

"Bubbles you coming?! I don't got all day."

I jump up and half run to the car amused and terrified.

"Rizzo lower the music!" I shout in a hushed tone to avoid adding to the noise.

He's startled by the harshness in my voice and moves quickly to dial the volume down.

This was the first party I was going to alone, the first party where the only person watching over me is me, and I could either be responsible and smart or make horrible decisions.

While you may think the choice is easy, it's not, mainly because the devil on my shoulder is much louder and she would rather go wild. Especially if I was promising that this was one of my last hurrahs and no one was here to convince me otherwise.

"Your folks sleeping?"

I pull open the door and jump in quickly rolling up the window before putting my seat belt on as he speeds off, "Yeah, they would flip if they knew I was sneaking out almost every night." He laughed at my explanation as he leaned back in his seat and drove nonchalantly.

His car was suspiciously nice and I tried to coax myself to remember if he had ever told me what his parents did for a living.

"Nice car."
"That's what I'm saying. My folks finally let me get it after I passed a drug test." I couldn't help turning my head and chuckling.

Rizzo had an innate crackhead look to him that made the things he said and the way he acted instantly entertaining. His beanie and hoodie combo only amplified this, especially when he was accompanied by some kind of intoxication.

"Where's your football star?"
"He plays baseball."
"Damn really?"

I rolled my eyes with a half-smile. He could hardly remember what month we were in, so I was proud of him for remembering that Jayden even played a sport.

"So who's designated driver for the night?"

Irresponsible not idiotic.

"Don't worry about it bubs, I got it covered."
"Don't make me end up having to walk home Rizzo."

He threw his head back cackling still driving with grace.

"I gotchu, I swear." And for some reason I trusted him.

We get to the party and the house was bigger than I expected. It was definitely the largest out of all the house parties I had attended, which wasn't very surprising since the houses had only been going up in size.

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