Chapter Nineteen

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Junior year was flying by. Soon adults were going to expect us to start making serious decisions and I didn't know what I wanted yet. All I yearned for was to stay frozen in time.

It was nearly December which meant it was starting to get cold and I was going to have to start bundling up.

I roll out of bed and dress myself in light blue skinny jeans, an over-sized grey crew-neck sweater with a long sleeve underneath, and some white Air Forces. I do my daily rituals, head downstairs to eat breakfast, then drag my sister outside into my boyfriend's car.

"Good morning," He beams forcing both Kaylee and I to roll our eyes grumpily, "It is way too early for you to be this happy. Relax." He huffs starting to drive while tapping the steering wheel.

"When I'm in a bad mood, I'm a Debbie downer. When I'm in a good mood, I'm too happy. I can never win with you." I smile at his complaints taking one of his hands off the steering wheel to hold it while he drove.

"At least you know." He smirked and started to rub small circles on the back of my hand.

We arrive at school and I notice everyone standing outside. We exit the car and I give Kaylee a kiss on her head before sending her to her building. It was extremely windy outside making it colder than I expected.

I held Jayden's hand comfortably as we strolled towards our solidified friend group consisting of Maya, Maddie, Ryan, and Trevor. Recently it became somewhat of a group of couples since after a few weeks of talking, Trevor asked Maddie out on a few dates, and after a few weeks of reminiscing, Maya told Ryan he should cut the bullshit and just be her boyfriend. Honestly Maya carried some big dick energy and I respected it, my confidence was nothing like hers.

I cringe as a wave of wind hits my face and wondered why the school doors weren't open and everyone was being forced to wait outside in the frost.

"Hey guys." I tried to keep my teeth from chattering so they wouldn't call me dramatic.

"Hey." They greeted us one by one with shivers of their own. Jayden had only a thin sweater on, probably assuming we wouldn't be outside long enough for him to get cold.

When the wind started being relentless, he put his hands and arms under my sweater pressing his freezing skin against my warm one.

"Jayden your hands are cold," I whine trying to nudge him off. "I know. That's why I'm using you to warm them up." I could only roll my eyes and flare my nostrils at his idiocy.

He moves so he was directly behind me, hands under my sweater, arms wrapped around me. "Does anyone know why we're locked outside?" I question starting to shiver, actually glad that Jayden was holding onto me and partly sharing his body heat.

"It's chaos week," He automatically answers. We all focus on him in bewilderment waiting for an elaboration. He sighs getting ready to explain.

"Teachers have a set number of meetings they have to go to throughout the year. Other schools, smarter schools, spread it out so they only have a few teachers missing at a time. Our very special school sends them all away at the same time, filling the school with substitute teachers for a week." We all react differently to the thought, but I couldn't help focusing on the other kids freezing to death around us.

"You remember right Cortez?" I was the only one who ever went to this school besides Jayden so I should know, "No, my mom always kept Kaylee and me home for the week." He nods before placing his head in the crook of my neck, hiding his face in my hair for more protection from the chill.

"Okay but why "chaos week"? I'm sure the substitute teachers will keep us in line, right?" Maddie inquired with genuine confusion. "It's usually chaos, nobody goes to the right class and there's not enough administrators left to care. Plus everyone starts doing really crazy shit, last year they had a blunt rotation of like ten people in the middle of gym. Couples go wild with the PDA, even the quiet kids act out." I grumble feeling increasingly sick and tired of this school, at least at the foster home people actually gave a shit about learning.

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