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Time goes fast as it already has been a week after the incident yet for Kaveh it feels like a eternity. He would not leave his room nor would he leave his bed unless he wanted to shower or had to do his business other then that he did not even want to eat.
Laying in bed exhausted, having red irritated eyes from the crying aswell for lack of sleep he lays there his bones feeling like glass.
Feeling so fragile Kaveh did not dare to move as he would try and sleep it off yet everytime he closes his eyes he gets a nightmare of those men accually succeeding in what they had wanted to do.

Alhaitham had time to rest himself and heal as at this point he was healed enough so he can take care of the other.
When the sun was high up in the sky it is way past the morning so he would enter Kaveh his bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed looking at how Kaveh is fully hidden beneath the blankets with only his hair exposed.
In this week he had gotten to know Kaveh did not want to be touched so he would do as the other wishes and did not touch him or did he touch his hair "are you hungy? I made a fruitbowl for you with honey " he spoke yet hearing a loud crash he sets the fruitbowl down on the bedside table as he does the same for the tea cursing beneath his breath since when he turns to look at what that crash was he sees it is a broken vase that had fallen from the windowsill due to the cat having jumped in the window opening and now is standing on said windowsill.

Kaveh hears the loud shattering on the ground but he would manage to sit up slowly despite feeling so weak. This whole week he could not bring himself to look at Alhaitham yet seeing him now pick up the glass shatters he cannot help but smile weakly since he feels comfortable and safe around the other.
His eyes would shift up to the animal standing on the windowsill above Alhaitham who is crouching down to pick up the shattered glass. Usually he would have told it to go away yet this time he pats the bed to signal the cat to come over.

Alhaitham who picks up the sharts feels the cat run down his back to land on the ground and then land on the bed. Alhaitham stands up holding the shards in his hand being carefull not to cut hinself while holding the sharts "its paws are dirty"

Kaveh gently pets the cat that is laying on his lap and lets his fingers run trough its long fur while he looks down at the creature with a soft smile gracing his face. "I don't mind-..." he whispers softly. Kaveh realises how much he missed the touch of something alive against his hands, he misses the touch of Alhaitham, to touch Alhaitham. "Can you help me eat?"

Alhaitham moves the shards into a trashcan before he would return to sit on the edge of the bed taking the fork and he would feed Kaveh. He is happy Kaveh atleast talks to him and is willing to eat yet despite that he can see the other is still avoiding his gaze. "Do you want to talk about it? I might have a idea of what happened so i just need conformation if you want help yes or no"

Kaveh swallows the food down thickly when Alhaitham said that and he looks down at the cat who is looking up at him with pearly eyes wishing to get food aswell "i dont want to talk about it...they touched me...that is all you need to know" he whispers and hearing the cat meow he cannot help but smile and and pet its head "give the cat something to eat aswell"

Alhaitham nods and continues to feed Kaveh first and helps him drink the tea before he would tuck the other in again hesitantly bending down but seeing Kaveh did not move away or get scared he presses his warm lips gently against Kaveh his forehead to press a kiss against it. When he pulls away he looks down at Kaveh with a smile on his face "i will do as you order" he playfully said to lighten the mood but seeing the other smile there was this silence in the moment. The silence is surprisingly pleasant so all Alhaitham does now is give Kaveh a wink before he leaves the bedroom with the cat.

Entering the kitchen he sets the bowl and teacup aside before he looks down at the cat "if you want food you will have to stick around longer and that means you will have to get clean again" he spoke and picks the cat up carrying it to his own bathroom yet when he wanted to bathe the cat the cat digs its nails into Alhaitham his arms hissing and what not and meowing at the top of its tiny lungs.

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