Chapter 6

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This chapter contains murder

Trying to find the keys on him Kaveh would find them yet when entering the him and seeing Alhaitham hold the other man in his arms he would act like he doesn't care seeming more angry then upset yet when he enters his bedroom and slams the door shut he would burst out into tears. Why can't he have anything nice in his life? Why can't he be happy? Why must everything be taken from him? Kaveh would pack his things while breaking down yet when he walks out and seeing them sit on the couch together he glares at them having tears stream down his face "so you replace me just like that?! You go and fuck this whore?! "

"You tend to forget that in the real world world we never were together..." Alhaitham spoke yet he is not able to finish that sentence.

Kaveh grabs a vase and tosses it at them before he falls to his knees, grips onto his hair and fully breaks down once more.
Both men look at how Kaveh is curled up on the ground breaking down and crying his heart out. Alessio would stand up and kneels down besides him yet when he was about to offer a handkerchief to help with the tears he got slapped across his face by Kaveh who goes to throw a punch yet Alhaitham holds him back and holds Kaveh tightly in his arms "He is mine! If you touch him with your filthy hands again I will cut them off! I will cut your stupidly long brown hair off and make a rope from it so I can strangle you!" He spoke and just breathes heavy now but when his anger wil go away he would breakdown again in Alhaitham his arms who sits the other down on the ground.

Alhaitham would hug the other from behind hearing him scream from anger, frustration and mental pain as he just holds him tightly in his arms signalling Alessio to leave who did as told. He would just hold the other in his arms sitting behind him making sure he won't harm him or himself knowing the other is letting out all his bottled up feelings "Kaveh"

" ..."

"I am going to carry you to bed now, okay? You can stay here until you have found a home to live in"

"And what if I don't want to find a home and I want to stay here with you?"

Alhaitham lets out a soft sigh picking the other up bridal style and lays the other his exhausted body in bed tucking him nicely as well "then stay-..." he spoke and he knows it is not best to leave the other alone right now so he kicks his boots off and lays onto the bed ontop of the cheets as he holds Kaveh who is beneath the sheets close to him. Who knew that only a hug could make the other have this frantic breakdown.

Kaveh remains silent as he seems numb to emotions now that he is laying there. He just feels miserable...his life is miserable...all he truely has left was Alhaitham.
He would just close his eyes not caring if they would sleep back to back or Alhaitham would hold him in his arms he just needs to sleep.


The next morning when Kaveh wakes up he sits up in the bed tiredly and honestly he does not want to start the day. He walks out of the bedroom expecting the other to make breakfast yet nobody is there. Confused, tired and mentally drained the blonde would get ready for the day and leave the home to go to the Akademiya to find Alhaitham so he can apologise for his out burst yet when he enters he seems a familiar brunette talk to somebody as he just lets out a deep sigh approaching the other "I am sorry know"

Alessio turns to look at Kaveh and just gives him a sweet smile "it is quite alright. You had all reason to do what you did. Have you seen Alhaitham though? Not for my own interest but he should have came here a long time ago yet nobody has seen him yet" he spoke yet seeing the other shake his head to imply he does not know where he is he thinks for a moment "you know him better then us all."

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