Bad Ending

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This is a painfull one. I cried while writing it so goodluck!

This chapter contains suicide. If you are sensitive to this topic please skip this chapter.

Happy that the wedding is over managing to make it trough till the very end Alhaitham would carry Kaveh to their home and enter it. Kaveh has danced so much he barely can feel is legs anymore and due to him being so tired his body is feeling particularly weak as well.
Being layed on the bed Kaveh watches how Alhaitham stands above him smiling down at him and carressing his cheek.
The blonde looks to the side, takes Alhaitham his hand and presses small weak kisses against the palm of it "come lay with me"
Seeing the other listen he would cuddle up against Alhaitham burrying his face into his chest.
That familiar heart beat and that familiar warmth is so comforting to him.
That warmth...
That burning warmth...
He falls asleep in the man his arms only for him to never wake up again.


Dehya runs into the Akademiya and goes to Alhaitham his office and when Kaveh came back from being kidnapped he went to look for Sage and Hatheor only for him to get lost in the large desert.
Out of breath since she has been running at top speed for miles she takes deep breaths to calm herself down. "We found him!"

Alhaitham drops everything he has to do that day and runs over with Dehya to Aaru village yet entering the village chief his house he sees Candace saying a prayer before she finishes it and places a mourning flower in Kaveh his hand as she moves some hair out of his face.
Alhaitham runs over and sees what he never has wanted to so.
His friend...the man he loves...dead.
Candace looks at Alhaitham his expression as she herself has a single tear rolling down from her golden eye "I found him in a cave. He probably fell into it from above instead of the side entrance injuring his ankle yet he couldn't get up probably after that. He has come to pass due to dehydration. He was hugging Mehrak. I found him due to Mehrak making all the noises he can...the poor thing-..." she spoke and gently carresses Kaveh his head gently hoping to wish she could bring him comfort yet she couldn't and she can't do that right now because he has already moved on to the afterlife.
The two woman look at Alhaitham having tears fill his eyes as they would leave the home to provide some privacy.

When they are alone Alhaitham reaches out and gently feels Kaveh his cheeks feeling how cold they are. He sees Candace had closed his eyelids at the end of the prayer which was good because if Alhaitham had to look in the eyes of this emty shell he might have lost it. "Atleast you can rest now...atleast you won't live a troubled and complicated life anymore...I am sorry you never had a happy ending" he whispers and presses a kiss on his forehead yet then he presses his lips against Kaveh his lips watching how a tear of his falls onto Kaveh his cheek. "If only I went with you. It is my is all my fault...I am sorry. I am so, so sorry" he whispers as he does not allow himself to breakdown right now. He would stay with Kaveh for hours holding his hand and talking to him like he was still alive as it just seems like he is asleep yet when it is time for the funeral he would obviously attend it and watch him lay in a sarcophagus because he truely deserves the best.
He does not deserve to be eaten by creatures beneath the ground and burning him feels plainly wrong.
Collei is crying in Tighnari his arms as Tighnari himself had tears streaming down as well yet he has to remain strong for Collei.
Cyno was not there to begin with...he was killing whoever he can kill as that was his way of dealing with the loss wishing that all the lifes he took...all those years of their lifes would go to Kaveh and he wishes it could bring him back alive.

When everybody said their goodbyes and left Alhaitham still has not fully accepted his death.
He has no fully processed it yet. He walks over to Kaveh and he smiles weakly down at him fixing his hair for him knowing that if he was alive he would have wanted it to sit that exact way, he would have wanted it to sit perfectly so Alhaitham fixes it for him.
He would stay with him longer as he presses one last kiss on Kaveh his lips and forehead laying another mourning flower inside of the sarcophagus onto Kaveh his chest beneath his hand "I read this book once...I know you are not fond of me saying smart things and such but it reminded me of you. They describe this person as the sun. Able to brighten a room, able to make anybody feel happy with their pressence no mather if said sun was angry or upset. That person would bring happiness into that person his life just by existing. That sun always would be caring for other people and look for every single good thing in that person. Somebody who you want to cherish and share each memory with and without that sun you have no purpose in life anymore. Without that sun your life feels incomplete and your heart will feel emty. To the sun you want to say all these loving things and wish to express your love to them for eternity yet often times people lose their sun before they get the chance to express this love to them...." he whispers and says this while he is carressing Kaveh his cheek feeling how soft his skin still is and knowing that soon he won't ever be able to see him again. The words go stuck in the back of his troath because he got emotional in the moment as he looks down having tears streaming down his face "You-...were my sun Kaveh and you shone so brightly...yet now your light has dimmed and my world forever will be in darkness because I lost my light" he whispers as he covers his face and breaks down right then and there falling to his knees and clutches his head in his hands crying loudly. He never cried this loud before yet finally...he lets it all out "my Kaveh" he cried out it becomes so unbearable he lets out a scream because of how much pain he is in mentally and physically. His heart is aching like it got pierced by a thousand blades, like it got shattered until it turned to dust.
What he says is true...
He sees no purpose in life anymore.

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