Chapter 10

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Recovering from their injuries Alhaitham could not really walk due to the piece of mirror having been removed as Kaveh is covered in bruises that mostly are on his face.
Currently they are laying in one bed together at the Akademiya for the medical care and while Kaveh is asleep in alhaitham his arms alhaitham was holding him and playing with his hair not wanting to sleep because he wants to make sure the other remains safe.

His eyes did move to Sage and Hatheor and as Hatheor goes to Alessio who still has not woken up with their son Sage goes to them sitting down in a chair smiling at them both "how are you both doing?"

Alhaitham smiles weakly at the other and shakes his head "We will manage. Worry more about Alessio...he has been trough it the most. I only have seen how that man treated him for a short while yet it was horrible and disgusting... in all honesty I think death will give him mercy..."

"What makes you say that?" Sage asks genuinely curious as he would tilt his head to look at Alhaitham his ears slightly slanting back.

Alhaitham glances over at the brunette and then back at sage "If he wakes up the recovery physically and mentally will take a long while...especially mentally..." he spoke and watch as the two girls that asked Kaveh for help rush to the bed and hold Alessio his hands gently as it is obvious he may be their lover "he might never want sex again-..."

Sage glances at the girls as he now sees who they are because his friend has talked about them multiple times before so he turns to look back at Alhaitham only to see Kaveh waking up. Seeing the blonde make grabby hands for him he chuckles since that reminds him of when his son sometimes does that so he walks over and gives Kaveh a hug "I should just adopt you at this point" he jokes and feels him being pulled on the bed by Kaveh. In truth the blonde is still asleep only it seemed like he is awake as he ended up hugging Sage tightly in his sleep.

Hatheor glances over getting a grin on his face "your husband is stealing mine-..." he jokes.

Sage rolls his eyes playfully and just carresses the back of Kaveh his head being very gentle with him "I don't mind it. Alhaitham you can rest now or get something to eat. We will look after him" the man purred out as the purring calms Kaveh down more in his sleep and fully eases into the other having his face burried in the man his chest.

Alhaitham does so and gets up having to grab a crutch to help him walk as he goes to lay in another bed so Kaveh can stay with Sage for a while as he goes to sleep in that bed only for him to get a nightmare.
In said nightmare he sees what that man would have done to Kaveh word for word it would come true yet when Kaveh screams his name out of fear he jolts up in bed and sees Kaveh is still there asleep in Sage his arms while Tighnari is standing by his side handing him a glass of water "you only slept for a couple of minutes. You nees more rest"

"I can't..." he spoke taking the glass and would chug it down yet he watches his friend warp into the men feeling drugged yet as he collapses he wakes up once more and watches Kaveh climp in bed with him smiling up at him.

Confused the other looks down at the blonde wondering if it is real "hit me"

"Excuse you sir?! I am not hitting you! You are injured so why in the world would I hit you?!" the blonde spoke going on a rant yet when he sees the other smile he finally goes silent "what?"

"Nothing...I just am happy this is real and you are safe" he whispers and presses a kiss onto Kaveh his cheek yet in the heat of that moment he said he loved him. He looks down at the blonde who is all cuddled up against him "could we talk?"

Kaveh would look up at the other and nods sitting up so they would be face to face with one another amd since there are no guests or nurses they have all the privacy. "Of course yes. What is it?"

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