Chapter 8

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Months come to pass and Kaveh has been staying over at Sage his place, then Tighnari's and then Alessio his place before the cycle continues yet now that he is staying as Alessio his home he has not really seen the other for a week now as he did not seem to come back from the Akademiya. At first he thought he might be hooking up with somebody yet now Kaveh is starting to grow concerned because it is taking so long for him to see the other again.
Deciding to go to the Akademiya to see if he is there he would go and look around even asking around yet when he admits defeat, giving up two woman approach him hand in hand so he looks up at them wondering what this is about.
"Have you seen Alessio anywhere?" They said in sync.

Kaveh looks down at them and shakes his head "No I do not know where he is. You have been wondering that as well?"

"Oh... we thought you might know because you are staying at his place. We had a date (not your usual date if you know what I mean) with him yesterday yet he did not show up which is unlike him. He always shows up on time no mather what" one of the girls said and furrows her brows

The other reaches out and holds onto Kaveh his arm gently "could you please find him for us? He means a lot to us"

Kaveh lets her hold onto his arm seeming to get a little awkward because of that yet he recalls the man who has a crush on Alessio that he wanted a date with him. Perhaps he should ask him first "I will see what I can you want to report him as missing" both girls nod in sync so he gives a single nod bad "I will let you both know where he is if I find some informati-..." the blonde falls silent when both woman pull him in a tight hug as he does not know what to do really especially since they burry their faces in his chest. "Erm-...thats enough" he pats their heads and when he feels them let go he swiftly walks away to go to where the files are as he sees the man sitting there who he is looking for.

He walks over yet he sees the man has a large scratch mark across his face so he looks at him shocked "what happened to you?"

The man looks up at Kaveh giving him a sad smile but ended up tearing up "I did as you asked. I asked Alessio out on a date yet he just scratched me across my face before walking away. I didn't see him after that again...I don't understand. We got along so well.. he initiated the flirting firstly so me asking him on a date...I did not expect for this to happen..." he looks down having tears roll down his cheeks.

"About that...have you seen him anywhere? I am living at his place for a while yet he has not returned home yet" seeing the man shaking his head and wiping away his tears he sighs walking away as he goes to the elevator swallowing thickly and steps on it as he would go to the grand sage his office.

Alhaitham was listening to two people argue before him yet when he sees Kaveh come up from the lift he straightens his posture immitatly "leave..."

The two men look at him confused at the sudden stern command "but acting gr-..."

"" Alhaitham spoke and watches the men leave as his eyes go to Kaveh standing up and watches the other stand before his desk "Kaveh-..."

They have not seen eachother or spoken to one another in weeks as Kaveh has been avoiding him like the plague "I would like to report somebody that is missing..."

Remaining silent Alhaitham calms himself down knowing he can't get too excited seeing him as he gives him a nod "who is the missing person?"


"Oh-..." thinking for a moment he sighs softly "so it is true. Those two men have to keep a eye on him in case he will murder somebody in the city again yet they lost him as well. How can they loose somebody with that personality and those looks?"

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