iii. Unwanted roomate

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The rain thundered down around the group as they arrived at the tunnel. Apparently the smugglers use it often to get in and out of the QZ. Eden had also learned that out of the three, only Tess knew basic ASL. Eden tugged the jacket closer to her, shivering as her hair stuck to her face. Joel had handed it to her earlier with a grunt, muttering out something about him getting hypothermia just by looking at her. Tommy climbed down the rusty ladder first, followed closely after by Tess. Joel watched as Eden shakily gripped the metal to descend, growing worried that she'd fall. His reflexes were quick, grabbing her upper arm as her footing slipped, " be careful." He bit out, letting go of her as soon as her eyes met his.

They walked silently through the dank cement tunnels, the sound of their footsteps echoed around them. Eden peered over her shoulder to get a glimpse at Joel, his eyebrows were furrowed, eyes fixed to the ground. He must be in some constant state of asshole-ness.

Tess stopped, turning around to sign " We're here." Eden followed them, not making a sound as they navigated around FEDRA guards to get somewhere safe. When they arrived at an apartment, Tess instructed Eden to go in and wait for further orders.


" She'll stay with you until we find a living situation for her." Tess said when the door was closed. Joel gaped at her, face contorting with irritation. " What? I was the one that didn't think this was a good idea to begin with- there is a reason we don't smuggle people." He grit through his teeth, watching as his partner grew impatient. " Take her to Tommy-" Tess cut him off, holding out her hand to shut him up, " Tommy has offered me his couch to crash on- I was being serious, Texas. This?" Tess pointed between the two of them, " is over, now stop whining before I cut your tongue out."

Joel pressed his lips together to hold back from snapping, Tess seemed satisfied with his silence, turning around and walking away. When she was gone, Joel let out a string of profanities, taking a second to calm his anger before opening the door.

Eden sat on his sofa, staring down at her bandaged hand. Joel's heavy footsteps made her jump, eyes resembling a deer in headlights. " Whiskey?" He muttered out, pouring two glasses to the brim before handing one to the alert woman. " You drink, right?" He asked, voice deep and rough. The blonde's head bobbed as she nodded, silently taking a sip of the amber liquid.

Joel walked to the kitchen table, taking a seat as he rubbed his temples. In the corner of his eye, he could see Eden shiver. He wasn't surprised, she was soaked from head to toe. Irrational irritation bubbled in his gut as he found himself walking to his dresser. Rummaging through the few garments he had, Joel grabbed a pair of worn-out sweatpants and one of his old flannels. He disliked how Eden's eyes widened when he handed them to her, how her lips parted slightly as she stared at him with shock. But what Joel found most insulting, was the way she seemed to say thank you, so silently that nothing came out.

" Get some sleep, I'll take the couch." He turned away from her, finding himself back by the kitchen table. Joel drowned his glass of whiskey just to refill it again. He could feel her eyes on him, burning into his back. He refused to turn around and meet her gaze, he just wanted her to disappear. He was thankful she didn't talk, it was easier to forget about her then.

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now