xii. You're going to be fine

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Warnings: Dirty jokes, Eden being a (hot) badass, Joel trying to keep his self control intact but it's slipping lmfao


     " FEDRA is probably on high alert right now... we'll have to be careful." Joel murmured as he scoped out the area. He had just finished packing when Eden expressed her worries on Cassie telling FEDRA about Joel. It had sped things up, none of them wanting to get caught.

" Follow me, I know a way" Eden took the lead, gun in hand. She manoeuvred herself around with ease, Joel had to admit he was impressed. It only took them about seven minutes before they had arrived at a small metal door. " We're going in here?" Joel questioned, face scrunching up. Eden didn't answer, shooting him a look before quickly swinging the door open and walking in.

     The door lead them down a dark and humid stairway, it was totally silent except for the sound of their footsteps. Eden's flashlight helped her navigate her way, gesturing to Joel as they reached the end of the stairs to turn right.

     " What is this place?" Joel whispered out, not really expecting an answer. " Utility tunnels, used to be filled with infected so FEDRA doesn't really come down here..." Eden put her gun in her waistband, before pulling her bow out. " You're gonna use that?" Joel's eyebrows raised, watching as Eden shrugged and gave him a small grin. " Its quiet." She signed, pointing at her bow and then bringing her finger to her lips

     They started walking, trying to move as quickly as possible without making too much noise. Joel didn't understand where they were going, Eden turning left and then right to then turn left again. Just as they were about to make another turn, Eden stopped in her tracks. Joel then heard it, clicking. He looked at her as if to say I thought you said there weren't any infected?!

     Eden slowly pulled an arrow out and drew her bow, turning around the corner to aim. She let out a breath allowed the arrow to fly, shooting the clicker right in the head as it fell down with a thump. Joel's jaw dropped, moving closer to inspect Eden's craft. He noticed the small smirk displayed on her face as she pulled the arrow out of its head. " We're close" she signed.

     Thank fuck.

[a day later]

The forest continued on for what seems like forever, the two taking a break as Joel tried his best to navigate on the map. He was grumbling to himself, the crease between his eyebrows growing more prominent as he stared at the map. Eden looked around, finding a tree that seemed climbable.

Joel's head snapped up at the sound of a whistle, eyes widening when he saw Eden twelve feet above ground, perched on a tree trunk. " Eden! Get down from there. You're going to get hurt."

The blonde rolled her eyes, taunting him. " Ok dad" this made Joel cough, looking down at his feet as he cleared his throat. " I'm not old enough to be your dad" he mumbled out as he watched her swiftly manoeuvre herself down the trees. Noticing that she was... limber.


" I know" Eden replied as with a smug smile, sending him a wink before landing on the ground smoothly and taking her stuff. " I found it by the way, thank me later." She signed before turning around, walking in the direction of where she saw the safe house. Joel shook his head, trying desperately not to smirk.

     The safe house was not bad at all, it didn't have any electricity but it was by a small creek and had something Eden called a root cellar she explained that it's used to store food, basically like an ancient fridge. The house was stocked up with stuff to Joel's surprise and Eden seemed to get giddy when she found vegetable seeds.

     " So... how long are you gonna stay here?" Joel asked, eyes scanning over the double bed as Eden made it. She shrugged, pulling a cover over one of the pillows " until I find somewhere else to go I guess..."

     " Which is?" Eden just shrugged again, the smile on her face was sad, but Joel didn't mention anything. " It's going to be ok." He mumbled out, walking up to her and taking the pillow out of her hands. " Eden" she looked up, hazel eyes flickering between his eyes and then his lips. " You're going to be fine."

     He doesn't know who he is trying to convince, Eden, or himself.

honey is typing...
I'm not happy with this chapter ew ew ew

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