xv. I'll see you soon

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     They continued to live in their perfect little bubble for another two weeks, but whether they liked it or not, time will always continue to move forward. They both knew Joel needed to go back sooner or later, but it was a topic they easily avoided.

     Waking up tangled in each other had become the usual, sharing kisses on the sofa with coffee and a good book, it was the closest Eden would come to heaven. But something felt heavy in the air, they could both sense it. " Is it the day?" She asked softly as Joel kissed her neck, he sighed back, resting his nose in the crook as his arms tightened around her. " I think it might be, yeah."

     Eden turned around, facing him with a frown, Joel didn't seem so excited about the idea either, swallowing thickly as he played with her hair. " I don't want you to leave" she admitted, mostly to herself. " I know" he mumbled out, twirling her blonde hair around his finger. " But you have to..." Eden's frown deepened, trying not to cry. " I know baby, I know."

He held her the rest of the morning, stroking her hair as he tried to keep his breath steady. He had a job to get back to, a smuggling partner who probably thinks he's dead.

Eden helped him pack, he left the flannel she used their first morning together, she gave him a list of items that would be useful for her if he happened to stumble upon any of them.

They now stood facing each other by the entrance, Eden had her arms wrapped around herself, her lips pressed into a thin line as she sniffled every once in a while. Joel pulled her into a tight hug, cupping her cheeks and kissing her like he might never get to do it again. " I love you, so much" he said seriously, trying to let her know how much he meant it. " I love you too" her voice broke as she gave him a weak smile. " I'll see you soon" he kissed the top of her head, inhaling a deeply before turning around and moving out the door.

Eden stood there, staring at his back until she could no longer see him. Her jaw tightened, panic seeping into her bones. He never said goodbye, that must mean they'll meet again...



Stepping into his apartment, Joel let out a breath. He had gotten so used to being out in the forest with Eden, he had forgotten what it was like being back in Boston. " Where the hell have you been?!" Tess shrieked as she walked towards him and shoved him into the door. " I thought you were dead!! Didn't even say anything before leaving- how could you do that to me!?"

Joel put his hands up in surrender, he felt bad, he really did, Tess didn't deserve that sort of treatment. " I'm sorry- I had to get Eden out of town, she was being hunted by FEDRA-" Tess cut him off, her eyes closing " you were with Eden?"

Joel took a sharp inhale, this was it, his chance to come clean. " Look Tess, I- I haven't treated you well the past few years and I want to apologise for that, but I can't continue this- us."

" It's because of her, right?" She asked quietly, her arms crossed as she avoided eye contact. " Yes, it's because of her." The woman scoffed softly, shaking her head " I knew it- ever since that day she'd gotten beaten up by FEDRA soldiers, the look you'd had in your eyes- I could tell..."

Joel looked down, thinking back to that moment four years ago, how he'd almost killed a man for touching her. " I'm glad you finally realised it yourself" Tess smiled softly, giving him a pat on the back. " But that doesn't excuse your absence for the past three weeks- do you know how behind we are with orders?!" Joel felt the tension ease away as they talked about work. In his mind, he kept thinking about Eden, how his last words were see you soon. It was a silent promise, to both him and her, that they were going to see each other again.

honey is typing...
and that's a wrap for act two!

hope everyone is enjoying the story so far, see you in 2023 :>

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now