iv. The raid

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[the next morning]

Snores filled the small apartment, causing Eden to stir and grimace as she was unwillingly pulled out of sleep. Eyes fluttering open, her gaze moved over old wallpaper and dust particles dancing in the sunlight. Another loud snore broke her peace, Eden glared at the wall separating herself and the culprit, a grumpy frown forming on her face as she gave up on sleep. He sounds like a fucking tractor.

Joel's clothes didn't fit her at all. The flannel was unbuttoned and kept falling off her shoulders while his sweatpants were cuffed multiple times and hung loosely by her waist. She was still wearing the wife beater top, as it hadn't been soaked in blood like her jeans. Eden roamed around the kitchen, finding the whiskey bottle totally empty on the counter. She scoffed, this guy has a problem. Standing on her toes, she searched the cabinets to find something to eat. " What are you doing?" Joel's voice was rough and raspy, Eden turned to him, startled that he had managed to move from the couch to the kitchen without her noticing. Is he some sort of ninja monkey? Trying to act aloof, she shrugged before continuing her search.

Joel must've been too hungover to remember that she doesn't speak, because he gripped her shoulder and made her face him again. " Hey, I asked you a question." He snapped, face twisting in irritation. You must be fucking kidding me. Eden stood her ground, crossing her arms as she arched a brow at him. " Oh... right." He muttered out, pulling his hand away from her bare shoulder as though she burned him.

Joel broke the silence. " You hungry?" Eden gave him a small nod, fingers dancing restlessly over the counter top as she pursed her lips. Joel chuckled, shaking his head as he searched for breakfast. " Y'know, for not speaking, you're incredibly feisty." This made Eden snap her gaze towards him, shocked to hear that come out of the gruff man. He ignored her, pulling out a tub of peanut butter " does this work? If you tell me you have a peanut allergy-" quickly, she shook her head, mouth almost watering at the sight of peanut butter.

" Great. I'll make sure to get some more food when I go out."

[two weeks later]

Eden was restless, leg bouncing up and down as she let out a loud groan. Her wounds had healed fully, all she was left with were ugly scars she couldn't care less about. Joel was nowhere to be found, he was more out than he was in. Thankfully, he had come to accept her presence, quitting his more than regular amount of assholery.

She almost felt claustrophobic in the tiny apartment, having been stuck there for two weeks. Joel had told her that he would tell her when it was ok to leave, every time she asked him when he would reply with soon.

The man was strange, but Eden found it sort of endearing. He would let out a huff of amusement at random things she did, like when he came home far past curfew to find her sitting cross legged on the floor eating a peanut butter sandwich, or every time she bumps into a random object around the apartment, because apparently she has no spatial awareness.

Eden dramatically flopped onto the bed, groaning into a pillow. She was bored and Joel didn't even own books. Who doesn't own at least one book?! Loud pounding from the door made her flinch, her stomach dropping as she scrambled onto her feet.


Eden felt like a deer in headlights, stuck in the middle of the room. Was she supposed to open the door? She yelped as the door busted open, guards in heavy duty armour sprinting in and tackling her to the ground. " SEARCH THE APARTMENT." A voice ordered, the blonde let out a scream as the guard holding her down gripped her by the hair.

" Well aren't you a pretty little thing." The geared man mumbled, roughly gripping her cheeks to inspect her face. " Tell us where the drugs are." He ordered, pulling out a gun and pressing it against her jaw. Eden started sobbing, her scalp burned from being held by her hair. " Tell us, bitch!" The guard yelled, swinging the back of his weapon right at her cheek bone. She cried, protesting with a scream. " Fucking speak whore! do you think I'm dumb?!" He barked out, pressing the gun back against her jaw.

" You're probably fucking him to get free product." Eden shook her head, wailing in pain as he tugged at her hair " do I need to fuck the information out of you?!" A younger guard walked up to the kneeling man, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. " Anderson- Sir, we can't find anything." He had said hesitantly. The man, Anderson, grunted. Letting Eden's head drop onto the hard floor before slamming his boot into her side, kicking the air out of her. " lousy fucking slut." He spat out, turning around and ordering the guards to leave. Eden shook, curling into herself as she sobbed silently.


The feeling that something was wrong came when Joel noticed his apartment door wasn't closed fully. He quickly swung it open, prepared to lecture Eden about leaving the apartment, but halted when he saw what was in front of him.

The mattress had been flipped over, furniture had been moved around, his clothes scattered from someone hurriedly digging through his dresser. Rage bubbled in his gut, eyes scanning the area before landing at a small pile on on the floor with blonde hair... Eden.

Joel's mouth went dry, quickly falling to her side as he rolled her over. She had a black eye, a bleeding nose, and multiple other cuts and bruises. " Jesus- Eden!?" He gasped out, hands cupping her cheeks as he tried to get her to respond. His heart was hammering in his chest, he could hear it pulsing in his ears. Joel quickly pushed her shirt up, finding bruising at her ribs. He mumbled out a " fuck," fingers moving to gently touch the swollen area. A small whine left Edens lips, causing Joel to let out a relieved sigh. At least she wasn't dead.

As he picked her frail body off the ground he heard her protest and then sob. " I know it hurts, baby, jus' need to get you off the floor." He mumbled into her hair, walking urgently towards the sofa. She cried as he put her down, her nails digging into his arms so tightly she broke skin. " M' gonna get you some help, I'll be right back sweet girl, I promise."

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now