xxxvi. Curtis and Viper

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The fire was dying, glowing a low orange as raindrops drizzled against the window. The storm had passed, calm enveloping the silent room. " Joel?" Eden looked up at him timidly. He hummed in response, gaze flickering over her face, drinking in her features. " Had the fireflies really stopped looking for a cure?"

Guilt twisted in Joel's gut. He shook his head, seeming to shy away from her gaze. Eden's eyebrows furrowed, watching him carefully. " No, uh- makin' the cure... would've killed her" Joel sighed " so I saved her."

"Does she know?" Joel shook his head as Eden worried her lip " I don't think she'd ever forgive me if she found out."

Morning came, sun peaking through the curtains. Eden and Joel packed up, getting ready to head out and finish their route. " So how have you been doing?" He asked as Eden led Epona out of the garage. " I've been doing fine, It's exceptionally harder to take care of a baby when they can move and talk" she chuckled softly, stroking Epona's nose before mounting her. " She hates wearing shoes, always yelling no! whenever I try to put them on her."

Joel laughed, shaking his head " I was the same when I was little" Eden scoffed, shooting him a smirk " I figured, she takes after your stubbornness."

" Where are we goin' now?" Joel asked, eyebrows furrowed as he took in the surroundings. " There's a town a few miles away, it's our last stop" Eden nodded her head towards the forest, clicking her tongue to make Epona quicken her pace.

The trees surrounded them, birds chirping in the summer warmth, Eden smiled softly as she soaked in the sun. Joel admired her, watching her with wonder, she was positively glowing.

" This is the town" the blonde informed over her shoulder, swiftly jumping off of her horse and pulling out her bow. " Are there infected?" Joel questioned, eyeing her weapon. Eden shrugged her shoulders, shooting him shy smile " I'm always prepared... plus it's a pain to take it out once a runner is charging at me" he nodded with understanding, following her lead and taking out his shotgun.

" I hear clicking" Eden mumbled out as she walked closer towards one of the houses, the window was smashed, glass shards crunching under her shoes. A scream echoed in the abandoned building, the clicker swung its arms before bashing towards the sound. Eden stayed calm, letting an arrow fly through the air before piercing the infected in its head.

Shots fired from Joel made her turn around, he stood over a stalker with his boot pressed into its chest, making it go limp on the asphalt. " I think that was all of them" Eden breathed out, vaulting through the window into the house. " Huh, Curtis and Viper... nice" Joel mumbled out eyeing the vhs tape he had found in a drawer.

" What's that?" Eden asked, curiously eyeing the movie " a cheesy 80s action movie" Joel huffed out a laugh, stuffing the vhs into his pocket. " We could watch it for movie night some time" Eden offered as she checked them in and vaguely explained their encounter with the infected.

" That sounds fun" Joel shot her a smile " I'll ask Ellie if she wants to join."

Eden grinned, nodding enthusiastically as she walked towards the bookshelves. Eyeing old damaged covers before stopping at one in particular. Wuthering heights. Memories of her 18th summer flooded her, leaving a bittersweet taste on her tongue. " I really hope you'll put time into getting to know Callum" she said softly, eyeing Joel from the other side of the room. " He was an important part of my pre outbreak life and he has become an important part in my life once again..."

     Joel stayed quiet, nodding to show he understood " how did you two know each other before the outbreak?"

     " He worked for my father. We started hanging out one summer and he ended up helping me escape the abusive relationship with my parents." Eden fiddled with the book, looking up at him with a smile " you'd like each other, you're both interested in woodworking" she wiggled her eyebrows, causing Joel to let out a chuckle.

     They jumped back on their horses, leaving the town and trotting back into the forest. When they arrived at a golden field, Eden slowed down, gazing over at him. " I just want to say thank you, for keeping Ellie and yourself safe... you both mean so much to me."

     Joel smiled, Eden was glowing in the golden light. " Thank you for still being here when we came back"."

Honey is typing...
This book is soon coming to an end :')
sorry for the april fools joke lmfao I felt bad😭

This book is soon coming to an end :')sorry for the april fools joke lmfao I felt bad😭

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