xxvii. First love

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[one month later]

The stars above them twinkled brightly in the dark abyss. In the small cave they had sought shelter, a fire crackled and danced as a sleeping Ellie snored softly, muttering out incoherent sentences every so often, Eden couldn't help but giggle, shifting closer to Joel for heat.

" Isn't she beautiful?" The blonde whispered, eyes studying the moon with awe. Joel hummed, scratchy beard pressed against the top of her head as he held her. " I used to say that the moon was my first love... it sounds a bit strange but I did truly believe it" the greying man relished in her voice, he had always loved the sound, gentle and calm, lulling him into a sense of serenity. " Who was your actual first love?" Joel asked, his teasing lighthearted.

Eden sighed, mind seeming to wander as she stayed silent for a moment, Joel admired her as she stared out into the darkness. Turning to look at him, she kissed his patchy beard gently before stating with softness;
" you."


Soft knocks at the window pulled Eden out of the book she was reading, her heart skipping a beat as she saw Callum standing there, eyes filled with worry.

" Have I done something wrong? I haven't seen you in two days-" Eden quickly shut up the talkative boy by pulling him into a kiss " my parents found out I was sneaking out, they've grounded me" Callum winced, asking her if she was ok. She shrugged, gesturing towards the lock on her desk " I just finished picking the lock on my window an hour ago, which was great timing now that I think of it... anyways I wasn't even planning on leaving, I just got bored."

The brunet chuckled, his arms wrapping around her frame, dimples visible from the large grin on his face " you're so goddamn intelligent, a jack of all trades."

Eden's cheeks flushed, feeling shy as she lightly slapped his chest " you don't need to flatter me... I'm already yours" the words slipped out before she could even think, feeling her body freeze up at the thought of him reacting badly, rejecting her, leaving her.

     " I know, but I'm only speaking the truth" he mumbled out gently, Eden looked up at him with shock, studying his facial expressions that remained calm and gentle. Her chest filled with something unknown, an emotion she hadn't felt before, her heart hammered in her ribcage, she was almost worried he would be able to hear it.



     Joel pulled her in closer, she could feel his steady heartbeat as she rested her cheek on his chest. " What if we got married?" The question said so quietly, Eden wondered if she was making it up. " Pardon?" She softly asked, meeting his gaze. " Let's get married" his question had turned into a statement, warm hand cupping her cheek, a stark contrast to the cold around them. " In the apocalypse?" Eden chuckled out, astonishment laced in her voice. 

     " Yeah, why not? It wouldn't be official but-" She was quick to cut him off, a smile tugging on her lips " yeah, sure, let's get married" Joel let out a breathy laugh, eyes lighting up with an idea as he turned away from her. " One second..."

     Curiosity filled Eden's chest, trying to see what Joel was doing. She chewed down on her bottom lip, eyes fixed at his back and broad shoulders. When Joel turned back around again to face her, he suddenly looked shy, gently taking her hand into his as he slid a small weaved grass ring on her finger.

     Eden giggled, tears pooling in her eyes as she glanced up at him. Plucking some grass blades of her own, she braided them together and repeated the gesture of sliding it around his ring finger. Joel let out a similar wet chuckle, wiping his tears quickly as he pulled her into a kiss. " I love you, someday I promise to give you a real wedding ring."

     " I don't need a wedding ring, just being with you is enough."

Honey is typing...
Short chapter filled with pure fluff, feeling like we need it after the season finale :') how is everyone doing?

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now