xix. Raiders

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     To Joel's dismay, Eden thought Ellie was hilarious, they seemed to get on well, the sound of Eden's snorts and Ellie's animated voice could be heard all the way to the patio where Joel was sitting with Ada on his lap, her curious eyes moving around the area as she hugged the stuffed shark Eden had made for her.

" Look at this one! It's all weird!" Ellie gasped, holding a carrot in the air to show the blonde who laughed with a nod and pulled up her own carrot. Eden was showing Ellie how to harvest vegetables in preparation for dinner, both of their faces covered in dirt.

     After they had eaten, Ellie offered to keep an eye on Ada for a bit, allowing the adults to go outside and catch up.

Joel huffed when he saw the med kit in Eden's hand, which earned him a pointed look back. " Don't fight it" she sternly said, sitting next to him on the old rocking bench. " It doesn't even hurt anymore" Joel muttered in protest, which earned him another pointed look from the blonde " it will hurt when it gets infected." Giving in, Joel grumbled to himself as she took his hand. " How did this happen?" Eden asked, tone softer as she inspected his knuckles " it's a long story" he replied, not wanting to admit he punched the crap out of a FEDRA guard. " Does this story explain why you're here with a teenager? Because if so, I have all the time in the world."

" The fireflies hired Tess and I to smuggle Ellie out of the QZ... she's... uh- she's immune" Eden's head shot up, trying to see if he was fucking with her. " I know, it sounds insane, but it's true. On the way, things got bad and... Tess was bitten... I- I wanted to go back but she made me promise I'd take the kid to Bill and Frank's, it was her last dying wish, I couldn't just say no." Eden had stopped disinfecting his wounds, her were eyes sad when she looked up at him, " I'm so sorry Joel, that's horrible."

He kissed her forehead, swallowing down the lump in his throat. " Tommy has stopped responding to my radio messages, last I heard he left the fireflies, I- we were going to go look for him... but I don't want to leave you alone with Ada" Eden sighed, giving him a sad smile " It's ok, I get it, just promise me you'll come back" Joel nodded, he knew he shouldn't promise anything in the apocalypse, but he did anyways.


Gunshots rang in the air as Eden woke up with a flinch, Joel cupped her face as he asked if she was ok before quickly picking a wailing Ada out of her crib. Eden took her bow before falling down on her knees as more shots were fired, glass shards flying around them from the bedroom window breaking. " What's going on?!" Ellie ran into their room, fear making her voice waver. " Raiders- we have to get out of here" Joel ordered, voice stern, taking his backpack as he held onto Ada tightly. Eden pulled out her emergency bag from the closet and grabbed Ellie's hand before darting down the stairs. Yelling could be heard outside, someone ordering the others to get closer.

Joel's eyes were wide with worry as Ada sobbed into his chest, watching Eden take her gun and arrows from their designated hiding place before signalling them to run as she bolted towards the back door. Dashing through her backyard, they heard more gunshots from the raiders. They fled into the woods, Eden taking one last look at her house, the place she'd called home for ten years, before running off, into the darkness.

Honey is typing...
This chapter was quite short and a bit rushed, sorry about that! Next one will be out soon <3

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