xx. You're my home now

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     " Did you know that sharks don't have bones?" Eden asked, head resting on Callum's lap as she stared at the ocean. " I didn't know that actually... wait how does that even work?" Callum looked down at her quizzically, dark eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Eden giggled, loving that she was able to explain stuff she was interested in to him. " They are a special type of fish called elasmobranchs, it means their skeleton is made out of cartilage, like our ears"

     " You're so smart... it's adorable" Callum gushed out, a boyish grin forming on his face when Eden's cheeks turned red. " Shut up-" she whined with a smile, turning to her side to avoid his stare.

     " My friends are having a football match tonight... do you want to join?" This made Eden turn back to face him again " oh- uh... I don't know if I'd be allowed..." her face fell as she looked at her fingers. " Allowed? You're 18 though, you don't need parents permission." That was true, and something Eden forgot about, a small smirk tugged on her face as she cheekily said " ok, fine, I'll come" this made him grin. " Ok, where should I pick you up? I'm taking my bike, you can sit on the bike rack."

     Eden bit her lip " pick me up from here" Callum looked confused " why not just from your house?"

     " This is my house" he laughed as if she said a joke, " wait- really?" She nodded, worry settling in her gut as she watched his facial expressions. " Uh... my full name is Eden Francis" Callum gaped at her, eyes wide " oh... so- uh, I'll pick you up at 7?"


     " Holy shit..." Ellie marvelled over the plane crash, stopping to get a good look " you guys ever fly in one of those?" Eden nodded, readjusting Ada on her hip as she stared at the ruins. " A few times, sure" Joel replied " so lucky..." the teen gushed.

     " Didn't feel like it at the time, get shoved into a middle seat, pay 12 bucks for a sandwich" Joel turned to look at Ada, she was sleeping with her toy shark clutched tightly in her hands " dude you got to go up into the sky!"

     " Yeah, well, so did they" Joel turned to Eden, offering to take Ada for a while. " Grim..." Ellie said to nobody specific, making Eden stifle a small giggle.

     Joel walked ahead while Eden and Ellie fell into pace with each other. The two walking in silence until the teen asked " do you know how to shoot the bow?" Nodding in response, Ellie's eyes grew, she was impressed. " Can you teach me?" Eden grinned, shaking her head up and down as the teen let out a " yes! So cool."

     " So... I don't know if you mind me asking, but, why can't you talk?" This made Joel turn around, answering for her " she can speak, she's selectively mute" Ellie let out an " ohh" in understanding, " It took her like three months to start speakin' to me, just as I started understanding ASL too" Joel chuckled, shaking his head. " It's not my fault you're semi intimidating" Eden signed with a teasing pout " Semi intimidating? Why not just intimidating?" Joel quipped back, mouth twitching into a smirk.

     " You kinda look like a puppy, made it hard for me to be fully intimidated by you" Joel gasped, hand moving over his heart as he acted hurt, his reaction caused Ellie to grow more intrigued by the conversation she couldn't fully understand. " What did she say?" She asked eagerly, Joel shook his head " she said I look like a puppy, which made it hard for her to be fully intimidated by me" Ellie let out a snort, nose scrunching up as she turned to Eden. " A puppy? Seriously?" The blonde laughed, giving the teen a shrug.

     " What the fuuu-" Ellie mumbled out as they walked into the house, calling out for Bill and Frank, Joel's eyebrows furrowed at the silence. " I'm going to look around, you stay here, if you see or hear anything... yell" he muttered out, taking a step towards the kitchen. " What if they're gone?" Ellie asked softly, which made Eden frown, she had wondered the same thing.

     Following after Joel, they walked around the house in search for something. Ada cooed softly in Eden's arms as Joel tried to open the bedroom door, but it was locked. Eden walked back towards the entryway, finding Ellie sitting by the dining table holding a piece of paper, she shifted in her seat. " It's from Bill... to whomever, but probably Joel. I figured I fall into whomever" Ellie slid a car key over the table " it came with this."

     Joel took off his bag, picking the key up "So they're dead?" Eden worried her lip as Ellie let out a mhm. Silence filled the room, " do you wanna..." she offered the letter to him, but he declined, telling her to read it out loud. " August 29 2023, if you're reading this, please don't come into the bedroom. We left a window open so the house wouldn't smell, but it will probably be a sight."

     " I'm guessing you found this, Joel, because anyone else would've been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps. Hehehehehehe..." Ellie trailed off awkwardly, clearing her throat before continuing.

" Anyways... I never liked you, but still, it's like we're friends... almost. And I respect you. So, I'm gonna tell you something because you're probably the only person who will understand." Eden moved closer towards Joel, his presence was comforting. " I used to hate the world, and I was happy when everyone died. But I was wrong because there was one person worth saving."

"That's what I did, I saved him, then I protected him." Joel's hand brushed over Eden's, intertwining their pinkies. " That's why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do, and God help any motherfuckers who stand in our way." His finger brushed over her knuckles, playing mindlessly with her fingers discreetly.

"I leave you all of my weapons and equipment. Use them to keep..." Ellie's words dying in her mouth, as she pressed her lips into a thin line. Joel took the note from her hand and read it, his face falling as he read it. Use them to keep Tess safe.

" Stay here." Joel grunted out, stepping outside to get air. Eden gave Ellie a sad smile, handing Ada to her as she sent a look that said I'll handle this.

Joel crumpled up the paper, closing his eyes, he heard Eden step outside, felt her arms gently wrap around his torso, his body relaxed when she pressed her forehead against his back. " What's going to happen now?" Her voice was soft, grounding him back to earth.

" I don't know" hopeless, tired, Joel's head hung low as he held his hands over hers. " You said you want find Tommy... right?" He turned around to face Eden, " then let's go look for Tommy" her hand cupped his cheek, he leaned into her touch. " But- are you sure?"

" Joel, we were just driven out of our home by raiders, we don't have anywhere to go, so wherever you go, Ada and I are following... Tommy could also maybe help locate some fireflies so we're able deliver Ellie, too." Joel nodded silently, pulling her down into a short kiss.

" You're my home now, Joel Miller."

Honey is typing...
Even if Joel and Tess haven't been a thing in years, I still imagined them being super close as platonic partners, and her death still affected Joel a lot, she was his best friend :(

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now