xxxiii. Angsty teen antics

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It had been a week since Eden had heard anything from Joel, Callum had come over the next day, apologising profusely for something that wasn't even his fault. She was quick to reassure him that he wasn't to blame for anything. Still feeling guilty, Callum offered to take care of the little one so Eden could get to enjoy her day off.

It was almost as though the universe had something against her, because as soon as she opened the door Tommy was rushing towards her with a panicked look on his face. He kept rambling about someone being missing. Eden told him to calm down, pressing her hands firmly against his shoulders.

" The kid! Joel's kid- Ellie! She's gone!" The blood drained from Eden's face, her body tensing as she felt panic and worry swirl in her gut. Sprinting inside to get Heidi and her equipment, she was quick at locating the German shepherd before rushing past the flustered man " does anyone know anything?!" She questioned, eyes darting over the town as Tommy desperately tried to catch up with her.

" Joel and some others are going north and east to search- Eden! Wait for me!" The blonde's pace didn't falter for the poor guy though, only turning her head to shout out " I'll go west! Get more people to search!" Trying to catch up with her was a lost cause, Tommy huffed as he leaned forward and attempted to regain his breath " yes ma'am."

Eden's heartbeat hammered in her chest, her breathing was rigid as Heidi sniffed around the woods trying to pick up the teen's scent from a shirt she had worn before. The dog abruptly raised her head, ears perking up as she barked to indicate she had found something. " Good girl, show me where she is" Eden mumbled as she followed the German shepherd's path.

They had been out searching for almost an hour now, trees began blending together and Eden grew unsure on where exactly they were. Her voice was hoarse, cracking every time she yelled out Ellie's name. Panic surged through her when Heidi barked loudly before darting away.

Desperately trying to catch up, Eden sprinted through densely packed shrubbery before stumbling over and falling. She braced herself for impact before feeling... grass? Her eyes widened at the realisation that she had found grass. She wasn't in the forest anymore. Gaze snapping up to find Heidi staring at her, tail wagging as she let out a small yelp before darting towards the abandoned farmhouse Eden hadn't noticed before.

Hope spread through her chest, praying to everything and anything that the teenager was safe. Yelling out a hoarse " Ellie?!" As she stumbled into the house, tears welled in her eyes when she got an answer.

" Eden? Is that you?" Ellie let out a small oof! When the blonde embraced her, pulling away to cup her cheeks as worried eyes scanned her face " are you okay? Are you hurt?" The teen shook her head, eyebrows furrowed in confusion over Eden's anxiety.

" I'm okay, I just went on a walk..." the older woman huffed in amusement, fingers running through her own hair. The teen looked down, shifting her weight from one foot to the other before apprehensively asking " are you mad at me?"

" Mad? No... worried? Definitely, but not mad" Ellie let out a sigh of relief as Eden chuckled " I think I might've aged ten years from stress... you almost gave me a heart attack" guilt was visible in the younger girl's face, a small frown forming as she apologised. Eden reassured her that it was ok before picking up her walkie-talkie " I found her, she's alright, over."

Tommy's relief was evident through the speaker as he thanked Eden and told her he would inform the others. Ellie chewed her bottom lip as she listened. " Don't worry sweetheart, you're not in trouble... we just got worried."

Soft footsteps made Ellie shift her gaze before letting out a loud gasp " is that your dog!?" Her expression grew excited, a stark contrast from the anxiety she had displayed moments ago. " Her name is Heidi, you can pet her, she's friendly" Eden's smile was soft as she watched Ellie giggle and scratch the enthusiastic puppy behind her ears.

     " Joel and I got into a fight..." the teen shared, not averting her eyes away from Heidi. " He told me that we were leaving, and when I asked about you he shut down the conversation... I know I told him I'd follow wherever he goes, but I was talking about the both of you" Eden felt a sharp pain in her chest, a frown stretching on her face at the thought of Joel running away from his problems. " Anyways, he got upset when I refused and we got into an argument and- and I don't know... I just needed to leave for a bit."

     " I think he got quite worried when he couldn't find you" Eden mumbled out softly, sitting down on the dusty worn down couch that wasn't particularly comfortable. " Yeah, but it's his fault!"

     Ellie turned to look at the adult quizzically when she laughed, apologising profusely to the teen for laughing before shaking her head " I just noticed it's my first time experiencing sneaking out from a parent's perspective..." Eden hadn't noticed that she had just used the word parent to describe herself in a situation that involved Ellie, but the teen picked it up as soon as it left the older woman's mouth, her heart warming as she let herself smile softly.

     " Hold on- you've sneaked out!? You. Eden. The person in front of me right now. Has sneaked out?" Eden feigned hurt, hand pressed against her chest as she gasped. " Of course I have! It's standard angsty teen antics! Just ask Callum, he was there."

     " No way... you're fucking with me- you and Callum sneaked out together?! What the actual fuck- tell me more!"

Honey is functioning... sorta

losing you? more like honey losing her mind *ba dum tssss*

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now