xxviii. Mother figures

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[three months after KC]

     " C'mon Ada, you can do it, say Ellie" the teen said her name slowly, gently poking the baby's cheek, there was an ongoing bet on what Ada's first words would be, Mama, Dada or Ellie. It had started when Joel found a small bag of lollipops, saying that whoever got Ada to say their name first would win.

     Well, technically it wouldn't be her first word, as Ada had the previously said " no" after Eden tried to put some gloves on her. They agreed that it wouldn't affect the bet, but only after Ellie teased Joel by saying " She's definitely your kid."

     " Don't listen to her sweet pea, say Dada" Ada just squealed from her place in Eden's homemade sling, loving how much attention she was getting. " Oh shit- look! A house!" Ellie was quickly shushed by Joel, eyes darting over to where she was pointing. Eden motioned Ellie to stay behind her, pulling out her gun as she made eye contact with Joel. They silently communicated to each other, agreeing to scout the place out.

" Oh, hello" an old woman in a rocking chair greeted them as they entered the cottage, she seemed unfazed that strangers were walking into her home. She offered them soup as Joel interrogated her on where they exactly were on the map. " Calm down honey, I don't think she's dangerous" Eden signed, taking another spoonful of soup. Joel let out a huff, knowing that she had a point, he let the intimidating facade slip away... only slightly.

She informed them that her name was Florence, and her husband Marlon was out hunting, and that he'd be back in any minute. " Ok, Ellie? Take Ada upstairs and stay there until I say it's ok to come down." The teen protested, wanting to be in on the action, Eden sent her a semi stern look that said listen to Joel, before handing her the baby. " Jesus she's getting heavy" Ellie huffed, placing the 10 month old on her hip as she paced up the stairs.

When the husband came home, he seemed less unfazed but just as collected as his wife, asking her why she didn't just shoot them, which she responded with " the gun's all the way over there... they didn't hurt me, by the way."

" Yeah, I got eyes. You made them soup?" He grumbled out, not impressed. Florence just shrugged, moving herself back and forth on the rocking chair " yeah I did, it's cold out."

" I'm looking for my brother" Joel cut off the old married couple's quarrel, wanting to get to the chase. " Well, I ain't seen him" Eden raised her brows, " He hasn't even told you what he looks like" Joel was quick to translate her statement into words. " He look anything like him?"

Eden pursed her lips, tilting her head to the side as she looked at Joel, " a little bit" she signed, the pads of her pointer finger and thumb almost touching. " Then I ain't seen him" the Marlon shrugged.

" They have kids with them" Florence said casually, Joel protested as Ellie eagerly asked if they could come down. She ignored him, quickly sprinting down the stairs with Ada in her arms.

" What did I just say?" He scolded which earned him an eye roll back " Joel, come on.
They're like a thousand" Ellie put Ada down, helping the small girl stand as she held her hands. " Who are these little psychos?" The older man asked, eyeing Ada who squealed with delight, stomping her feet and gurgling at him.

Joel told him to never mind them, taking out a map and placing it on the table, ordering him to point where they were on the map. " If you got a map, why you lost?"

" Must've missed all the street signs
in the enormous fucking forest" Ellie quipped back making Eden smirk, the teen was extra sassy today. " Ho-ly" Marlon teased, eyebrows raised as the older couple chuckled together. " We're somewhere here. Exactly where? And your answer better be the same as your wife's" Joel stated, face stoic as he watched the man look over at his wife.

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