BAMBI - new mini fanfic

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ahhhh!!!! hello hello everyone I am back with a mini fanfic about uni!Ellie
this book will be 10-15 chapters long, not a lot of slowburn but quite a lot of ✨spice✨
tbh it's just Ellie brain rot, I will be posting once or twice a week until it is done! (Maybe more if I'm feeling inspired)
but just as a general warning, it is an 18+ fanfic, there will be mature themes such as sex, weed, and alcohol. what would you expect otherwise from a uni AU fic hdhshs
anyways! hope you enjoy the teaser, make sure to check out the first chapters of the fanfic :)

For being a lesbian, Ellie has a shit gaydar. But she's quite sure her new friend is straight. Because straight girls hold hands and cuddle with their friends... kisses them when they're alone in a room together...

Yeah, totally normal platonic straight girl things, right?

[Chapter one teaser!!]

     SHE IS STRAIGHT, SHE IS STRAIGHT, SHE IS STRAIGHT. The amount of times Ellie Williams had to repeat that exact sentence to herself was ridiculous. But with Margot Laurent sitting next to her, arm almost touching hers as she spoke her through her notes on quantum physics and electromagnetism, it was needed. Margot's perfume crowded her mind, was that vanilla?

     "Ellie? You still with me?" Her voice was soft, a melody dipped in honey and sugar. Ellie blinked away her daydream, flushing bright pink when she noticed Margot's studying gaze on her. "Yeah- sorry, I got distracted." She was the human embodiment of sunshine, warmth radiated through her whole being. It's no surprise Ellie couldn't focus.

She giggled, red glossed lips stretching into a smirk. "That's fine, do you need a break? Maybe we can get some coffee."


     "I don't think I'll ever get tired of eating strawberry scones" Margot moaned out, mouth full of the sweet pastry. Ellie just watched her with amusement, a small smirk stretched on her face. She loved watching Margot eat, almost as much as she loved spoiling her. In a totally platonic way, of course.

"So... should we continue our study session here?" Margot was still enjoying her scone, holding her hand over her mouth as she spoke. A displeased look grew on Ellie's face, groaning with faux annoyance at the mention of studying, dramatically dropping her head onto the cafe table. "I know it's boring Els, but we have a test soon" she gently said, placing her hand comfortingly on Ellie's shoulder, looping a strand of auburn hair between her fingers.

Ellie tried to act unbothered by the nickname and her touch, tried to keep herself casual so her mask wouldn't accidentally slip and reveal how much Margot affected her. But it was difficult, oh so difficult.

The crush had manifested itself long before they had started talking. She was academia's sweetheart, always polite and kind to everyone. Ellie used to often suppress a scoff when she'd notice the swarm of boys trailing after the redhead, all resembling lost puppies.

But Ellie wasn't shocked at the attention Margot received. The word pretty simply doesn't do her justice, she was drop dead gorgeous.

     Now she was the one trailing after Margot Laurent like a lost puppy, having the green eyed girl wrapped around her finger without even knowing it.


go read bambi rn, pls n thx <3

go read bambi rn, pls n thx <3

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