xi. He needs help

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Warnings: topics of addiction and drugs, it's quite a heavy chapter I apologise <3


The wind howled as the sky turned a murky grey. Eden worried her lip, picking at the skin of her fingers as she stared out the window. Commotion downstairs made her jump, sneaking down the old stairs and peaking around the hallway. Isaac stood with her parents in the kitchen, her mother was crying and her father was screaming.

Isaac was almost unrecognisable, his skin was flushed and he looked severely underweight, Eden watched as her father furiously lectured the adult man, who just stood silently and took it. " How could you be so irresponsible- so... so stupid?!" The older man scolded, hands waving frantically. Isaac was trembling, he seemed sick. " I- I just need a bit of money to get back on my feet, it'll go to housing, food- I promise" her brother pleaded, his eyes looked large in comparison to the rest of his hollowed face.

" You're not getting a penny, you'll just use it to get high and continue living at that crack house- do you think I'm fucking stupid!?" Her father snapped out, slapping Isaac across the face. " I'm embarrassed to even call you my son."

For once in her life, Eden wasn't the embarrassment, the trophy for ' fuck up of the family' had been handed to Isaac, her sweet, kindhearted brother. Her heart ached for him, he was sick, he needed help; not isolation.

Eden may have been 16, but she wasn't aware of the world outside her little bubble, she was born in the family estate, studied there, growing up inside the fenced area she called home. She sought out friends in books, estate staff, and old family portraits.

She had never experienced the stereotypical life of a teenager; crushes, summer flings, high school dramas, sex, parties, football games, drunkenly making out with someone in the back of their truck...

Eden didn't understand back then how serious the situation was, Isaac was struggling with something far beyond her shielded knowledge of the world. She didn't understand that he was suffering from drug addiction, but she knew he needed help.

Stepping out from her hiding place, her eyes were wide with worry, skittering around the kitchen to finally lock with Isaac's, his pupils were unusually small, hand moving to scratch his scabbed skin anxiously. " He needs help" Eden communicated desperately in sign language, watching her parents stare at her in shock, " why aren't you trying to help him!?" Her body shook as she tried to convince her parents, who instead rushed to get her away from her older brother. " You weren't supposed to see that honey, I'm so sorry" her mother's broken voice cracked as she pulled Eden's sobbing figure away from the kitchen.

" L-let go! I SAID LET ME GO- HE NEEDS HELP- WHY AREN'T YOU HELPING HIM!? PLEASE- MOM-" her mother flinched as the screaming girl cried and kicked to get out of her grasp. Her mother had never heard Eden speak before, and now here she was, screaming at the top of her lungs that her brother needed help. " How can you not understand that he is dying- YOU'RE KILLING HIM! MOM- NO! LISTEN TO ME-" her bedroom door slammed shut, Eden threw herself towards it as she continued to yell with everything she had in her, kicking and screaming even though she knew it was impossible, the door was locked. " LET ME OUT! PLEASE! I NEED TO SEE HIM- PLEASE LET ME TALK TO HIM-"

At some point, Eden had sunken down into the cold wood flooring, the weight of gravity exhausting her. Dried tears on her cheeks and arms littered with bruises. She passed out leaning on her locked bedroom door, shaking, alone.

Honey is typing...
Super heavy but short chapter- I'm sorry pls forgive me😭 I'll make it up to you guys with some fluffy Joel and Eden in the next chapter I promise

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction and/or mental health please don't be scared to seek out help;

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline:
1 (800) 662-HELP (4357)
1 (800) 487-4889 (TDD) for hearing impaired


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