viii. Losing a brother

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" Tommy!" Joel yelled out to his younger brother who seemed shocked to see him at a secret firefly tunnel "how'd you-" he went quiet as he saw Eden behind his older brother. " Fuckin' typical...I see you got your lapdog back." Tommy spat out, venom laced in his voice. Eden faltered, a frown grew on her face as her eyes fell to the ground. Joel gripped him and hissed out " Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

     " Like I'm gonna fuckin' tell you" the younger brother growled back. " This is a stupid fucking idea! You're gonna get yourself killed-" Joel fell backwards, eyes wide as he processed what just happened. Tommy shoved him. " Like you fuckin' care! How many people have you killed Joel?" The younger man's nostrils flared, eyes narrowing dangerously. " Everyone you touch fuckin' dies! And you can't even own up to that shit!" He continued, jabbing his pointer finger into Joel's chest.

     " You're so emotionally constipated that you just lash out! Can't even fuckin' mention Sarah-" Joel swung his fist right into the side of Tommy's face, his brother falling to the ground. Eden gripped his arm, trying to pull him away from continuing to hurt the younger man. Joel shrugged her away " don't you dare mention her." Tommy scoffed, standing up while wiping the blood away from his nose. " Exactly my fuckin' point" he seethed, about to walk away.

" Tommy..." Eden spoke up, a jolt of electricity shot through Joel's spine at the sound of her voice. " Where are you even going!?" She tried to hide the wobble in her voice, eyes filled with hurt. " I'm gettin' the fuck out! What I don't get is why you're not eager to do the same."

" You know he went right back to Tess after you?" Tommy pointed towards Joel, who kept his gaze on the floor. " And still, you'd follow him to the end of the world."

     " I'm not here for Joel! I'm here because you're my friend." She cried out, trying to control her breathing. Tommy sighed, gaze softening. He pulled the blonde in and gave her a hug, resting his chin on her head. " I'm leaving, nothin' is gonna change my mind, but I'll contact you as soon as I get to a radio, ok?" Joel watched in silence as Eden pulled away, wiping away her tears as she nodded. " Tommy-" Joel began, taking a step forward.

     " You're not my brother anymore. You hear me?" Tommy said with a low voice, eyes dark as he turned around and walked away.

     The walk back to Eden's apartment was silent. Joel's hands shook with anger as he stared at his scraped palms, Tommy's last words replaying in his head.

     Eden unlocked her apartment door, signalling Joel to follow. His eyebrows furrowed as he stepped in, watching the silent woman take out her med kit from a cupboard and lead him to the dining table. " Where's your girlfriend?" Joel muttered out, looking around the empty space. " Out." Eden replied in ASL before rummaging through the faded green bag.

     He hadn't seen her in three years, but Joel knew her like the back of his hand. He knew she was angry at him, at herself. They sat in silence, Eden focusing on dabbing antiseptic cream on his skinned palms.

     Joel took the opportunity to look around her apartment, she had gotten more plants. Joel's eyes landed on what seemed to be a bow, confused, he turned to her. " Why'd you got a bow?" Eden's gaze moved to where the recurve bow was leaning against her bedside table, pressing her lips together. She'd forgotten to hide that.

     " To shoot arrows." She shrugged, turning to the med kit in search for bandages. " You're tellin' me you know how to use that thing?" Joel grunted out, eyebrows shooting up. Eden gave him a weird look, staying silent as she wrapped his hands. " Could you teach me?"

     " No."

     " Back on speakin' terms are we?" Joel isn't sure why he was so eager to press her buttons. It used to be the other way around. " Don't push it."

Honey is typing...
Short chapter but I wanted to update :')

Losing you ; Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now