Chapter 2: The Meeting (Updated)

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Principality of Qua Toyne, Port of Maihark, 21st February 1639 C.C.Y.

The port of Maihark is now crowded with people looking out to the sea. In their eyes, four enormous warships that have been anchored in their harbor for 2 days. Even with the natural walls that cover the port, there is no way anyone who lives there could not have seen or at least heard about these ships that are as large as an island. With 3 of the 4 vessels feature large flat decks with weird contraptions parked on them, not to talk about the fact that their warships have guns larger than the biggest of trees in the Lean Nou Forest. And most intriguing of all is the flag that they are flying, and their insignia is a white flag with a red circle with either an anchor or a weird cross. No one has ever seen any nations fly that flag before.

Most importantly though is that there's no longer fear on the onlookers, no longer there's locked doors, no longer hiding women and children, only curiosity and astonishment. At times, there's many occasions of the ship crew showing themselves to the onlookers in town, which shows them as strangely colorful dressed men and surprisingly, women. But the most peculiar thing is that there's almost nobody who mans the outside deck, it is as if every function and maintenance of the ships can be done from the inside without stepping a foot on the outside.

Some of the more daring people even tried their luck by sailing their boats toward the enormous battleships themselves, including traveling merchants who were looking for something to trade and sell back, unsurprisingly all of them were forced to turn back by the naval patrol of Qua Toyne's 2nd Fleet. After all, the security risk is just too great as there's still too much unknown about these Japanese newcomers, so there is no way the government and military would let the populace get too close with the Japanese without properly ensuring that they would be safe around them.

Suddenly, the same aircraft that landed on the port two days earlier is seen taking off again from one of the ships, then flying at an incredible speed passing the city above. This time the aircraft is flying towards the southwest direction, toward the Qua Toyne City, the very capital of the Principality. Four wyverns from the Maihark garrison are ordered to escort the crafts.

A bit earlier

A small boat from the Qua Toynian Navy sails out to the position of the Japanese ships. Onboard the boat is none other than Captain Inne herself, along with some government officials and escort sailors. They are heading to those ships to inform the Japanese about the invitation to Qua Toyne City that the government has extended to them.

"Captain, a small ship is approaching us from the direction of the Port." – Radar Operation Officer

"I see, lower our docking bridge. Tell the engineer to send out a repair barge to make a temporary docking pier. Oh, prepare the guest conference room and a guide for them. I'll be there shortly." – Kodai

"Yes sir!" – Communication Officer

As soon as the order was given out, a small repair barge was out to make an impromptu docking pier. The small bridge connected directly to it, making a way for the people on the much smaller sailing boat to get on Yamato.

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