Chapter 8: Beginning of the End

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Los Palmas, Qua Toyne's Occupied Territory

15th October 1639 CCY

The reinforcement for the Eastern Lords Army has arrived. Steps down from the horses are one of the three great generals of Louria, General Pandour, and the infamous leader of the Enforcer of Hark and the animalistic 15th Calvary regiment, Lieutenant General "Bloody" Adem.

"What an honor to welcome you to our camp, oh great general Pandour, and Lieutenant General Adem! I thank you for bringing us reinforcement." – Duke Junfilla

"Thank you for welcoming us, duke Junfilla. Don't worry too much. I am not here to fault you for the recent defeat. I am here to help you." – General Pandour

"Hm... well, before that, why don't you explain to me how did you all lose to a mere bunch of demihumans!? You incompetence lots well to explain, as you are in the presence of the Great General Pandour, who was sent by our Grace here to take Gim!" – Adem

"We..." – Duke Junfilla

"May I explain it, sir Adem?" – Washuna

"Hmph? And who might you be? If you have eyes, then you can see you are in front of the Great General, so do best to explain it, we need the best information. If you can't explain it, say goodbye to your little head." – Adem

Adem tilts his head, looking at the clearly afraid mage officer while giving out his threat. His mouth gives off a sinister smile, while his hand motions across the neck.

"Now, now, Adem, don't be too hasty, let the man speak. Anger won't solve anything, what we need now is information. If I remember correctly, you are Washuna, the student of Yamirei, aren't you?" – Pandour

Washuna kneels down before the two men. He looks down to the ground, one hand holding his hat, and the other holding onto his staff to overcome the fear. After all, the "exploits" of "Bloody" Adem are infamous throughout the realm of the living.

"I am very honored to be recognized by the great general! I am indeed the mage officer Washuna, the student of great archmage Yamirei. Please allow me to recount our last battle. I wish my opinion can be of great help to you all." – Washuna

"Very well, then let's enter the war room. There is no need for you to kneel here." – Pandour

"Hmph! You hear him, do it." – Adem

General Pandour, Adem, mage officer Washuna, and the Eastern lords are returning to the war room. There, Washuna began to recount the previous defeat. From the initial victory that the army achieved, pushing Qua Toynian all the way back to their fort. Then the situation turned upside-down as Japan sent her gigantic flying ships with silvery wyverns and golems taller than any orcs that could dish out enormous explosions to rout the lord's army. Though, he left out the part about the ancient sorcerous empire.

"Are you absolutely sure?" – Adem

"Yes sir, I can put my life and honor on the line. It'll be a dangerous battle for us." -- Washuna

Adem looks with some suspicion. He definitely had heard about the battle of Rodenius sea a few days ago. It was him that took charge in the interrogation of admiral Sharkun and his men. All of them say the same thing, about a nonsensical fleet of gigantic ships, and silvery wyverns, with an accurate, unreal rate of fire, and some light arrows that follow their target. Those reports are too nonsensical to the point that admiral Sharkun and some of his men are imprisoned by the enraged king for "traitorous behavior that led to disaster". And now, he is hearing the same thing again. If something happens twice, no matter how improbable it may be, it could be the truth, he thinks to himself.

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