Chapter 21: The End of Nightmares

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The Prophecy of Esperanto: Chapter 7: Salvation

Don't lose hope, O my children. Don't lose hope, when the path in front of you is clouded. Don't lose hope, for that path will lead you to victory. Don't lose hope, for the gods have yet to forsaken us.

A man and a woman, fall from the sky, carried by their dragons. The man is peculiar. But get out of your reservation, for he will guide you to the light. The Sapphire Warrior shall fight with you, O my children. He shall help you, and fight.

A woman, falls from the sky after him, a woman with unusual strength. She shall stand together with the Sapphire Warrior and fight. Finally united, O my children, they shall fight with you, till the bitter end. Through high and low, through glory and dread, they shall fight. Till all was thought of as lost causes, the Emissaries shall appear again, with all their glories. Guided by the Righteous Sun, cleansing the souls of all who are evil.

The Sapphire Warrior and his lover shall stand with you, O my children, through thick and thin. So don't lose hope. For the light shall appear at the end of your path.

Take care my children... your story is now yours to decide.

Many have disregarded the last chapter prophecy after so many years. They have thrived for so long. They have thought of it as a lesson to learn from. To never lose hope, like what the First King of Esperanto had taught them. But one day, a man had fallen from the sky...

25th December 1639 CCY, Momotaru Joint Base

The people in the operation room of Momotaru Joint Base are working overtime to determine the exact location of Lieutenant Akira. The satellite constellation above of them has been watching closely at the estimated crash site, and the location around the light dots. They are afraid of the worst, but they keep on watching. The magnetic storm as well as the unusual weather pattern in the Grameus continent has been quite frustrating for them. Suddenly, they catch a break. The stormy weather has dissipated, and the magnetic interference over the Grameus disappeared.

"What on the... Major, you may want to look at this!" – Lieutenant Niimi

The major, having stayed awake for over 24 hours jolted out of his chair. He knocks off some of the empty coffee cups on the table. He has been taking to a lot of the departments as well as the Topans to figure out what to expect in the Grameus continent, as well as assets he could send for a rescue, or worse, a battle if needed.

"W-what? Did you locate her?!" – Major Yamada

"Even... better, I guess. Look, there's a whole country there! It looks like Akira has landed in a human country!" – Niimi

"Notify everyone! Quick! Admiral Kodai, please come to the operation room." – Yamada

A few minutes later

"Thank you for coming, Admiral, Vice Admiral." – Yamada

Entering the room are Admiral Kodai and Vice Admiral Sanada of the 1st Quick Reaction Fleet.

"Don't mention it. Akira is one of our comrades. Lieutenant Niimi, can you please tell me what we are looking at?" – Kodai

The 1st Quick Reaction Fleet after being sent back to Japan for maintenance and refitting for some ships is dispatched to the new base in Topa. As the Japan Cosmos Navy pushes for rearmament in the face of unknown conflicts in the future, they are at the moment... a bit limited in ready personnel at the moment. Most of the ships are either taking on more new service members for training, refitting for new missions, or being sent to diplomatic missions. Though, many recovered ships in the last war with Gatlantis and the escort fleet for refugees have alleviated much of the concern. Niimi chuckled a bit at Admiral Kodai.

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