Chapter 23: Forging Friendship

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Tokyo, Japan, 29th December 1639

The delegation of Parpaldia is led around the city for sightseeing. Admiral Osamu Yamanami accompanies them as promised. The street of Tokyo is quite fascinating for the Parpaldians. The colorful street is full of advertisements and lights. Even in the street of Esthirant, there is no business that can afford that much magical lighting. Such a wonderful place, they thought. Just yesterday, when they were having dinner in the restaurant of the hotel they were staying in, the Parpaldians got to meet a Japanese businessman. They chatted for a while. What struck Kaios the most is his philosophy: 'peace through commerce'. Kaios... who has grown up in a world where might is right, is quite enamored by that saying. Peace through commerce. What a fascinating quote.

"Director, looks, the street is full of cars." – Raita

"So... these things are cheap enough for people to buy...? That's wonderful. I wonder if we can buy them in Parpaldia in the future." – Kaios

"Well, director, if our countries can become partners, we'll gladly sell our cars to you. In fact, a lot of companies are hoping that Parpaldia will become one of the most valuable trading partners for us in Philades." – Yamanami

"Is that so? That sounds very wonderful, admiral." – Kaios

They walk past a street performer, who is playing some peculiar music with strange instruments.

"Admiral... what are those instruments?" – Elto

"Oh? Those are the guitars, miss Elto. They use the vibration of the string to create the sound. I can play one, but not very well." – Yamanami

"Is that so? That's interesting." – Elto

Director Elto steps forward and puts some silver paso coins into the guitar case. The man looks up and thanks Elto. After a little while, they continue to walk the streets of Tokyo. Other than music, you can also find many Elysians performing their magic on the streets of Tokyo. Magic is something brand new to the people of Japan, so naturally, people are very interested in it.

They eventually come to the street of Ginza, a famous shopping district of Tokyo. Yamanami leads the people into the Rebuilt Tokyu Ginza Plaza shopping complex. The group splits as Kaios and Raita want to have some alone time for themselves, so Elto is now walking with Yamanami. The pair are walking across the many named fashion stores. Elto looks at them, but she does not go into one. She looks at dresses in the distance store.

"Miss Elto, you're interested in those outfits, aren't you? Why don't you have a look at them?" – Yamanami

"Oh... please, don't worry. I don't think those dresses would fit someone this old and ugly anymore." – Elto

Elto makes a snide remark to herself. Self-deprecation humor... the kind of humor that is only fun to yourself. Yamanami looks at her and holds her hand.

"Don't worry about those trivial details. You're beautiful. I'm sure you'd find one dress that you like. How would you know if you hadn't tried them on? Come on, let's go." – Yamanami

"W-wait... A-Admiral Yamanami?!" – Elto

Elto is now flustered. Being in her position, she could not very well have intimate moments with other people. The culture of Parpaldia is also contributing to that since the people are always expected to give each other polite but... fake compliments. It's... quite hard to find genuine friends in Parpaldia, and so is love. As such, the government has made a whole agency just for matching couples with each other. As time when on, a thick invisible wall appeared between her and other people. She's regarded as the golden rose of Foreign Affairs, so approaching her is... as much of a problem and challenge for the suitors.

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