Chapter 4: The Time of Prosperity (Updated)

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1st March 1639 C.C.Y, Tokyo, Japan Parliament Building

After returning from the onsen inn in Kusatsu, the Qua Toynian delegates are invited into the National Diet Building to discuss the treaty that they will sign. Minister Rinsui and the future ambassador to Japan are having some anxiety. They expected an unequal treaty would be imposed on the Principality. And of course, that's what it should be, as it is the unspoken right of a stronger nation to impose their will on the weaker in this world. Looking up at the tall and imposing white building cladded in blue glass of the Japanese Government, it certainly shows them the immense wealth and strength of Japan. They even think they may have bitten more than they could chew.

It may be disgraceful for them, but faced with the threat of Lourian destruction of their very nation, an unequal treaty with the Japanese seems to be much more preferable. They are thinking of how much of Qua Toyne's lands that they would need to cease, how many daughters and sons that they have to give up, and how much independence that they have to surrender. With how much power that Japan had shown to them so far, the entire prospect seems pessimistic to them.

While they are in the Diet building, they won't have a hearing session with the whole Diet members in the main chambers or something like that, instead they will just have to converse with the provisional Prime Minister and some of his cabinet members. After they arrive at the building, they are guided to a conference room by ambassador Loren.

"Hello, minister Rinsui, Mr. Yagou. I am the provisional Prime Minister of Japan, Heikuro Todo. It's a pleasure to meet you." – PM Heikuro

"I am Admiral Osamu Yamanami. It is a pleasure to meet you." – Osamu

"Admiral Fommt Berger, It's good to meet you gentlemen." – Fommt

"Yuna Kosada, Minister of Finance. It's a pleasure to meet you." – Yuna

The four people already seated at the table stand up and greet them. Ambassador Loren, or rather now, Minister of Foreign Affairs Loren Varel moved to the table on the Japanese side.

"It's an honor to meet you. I am the minister of foreign affairs for the Principality of Qua Toyne, Rinsui. It's an honor to meet you." – Rinsui

"I am honored to meet you, I am Yagou, from the Ministry of foreign affairs." – Yagou

After the pleasantry, the group of people on both sides started to discuss matters of the treaty between the two countries. The Qua Toynians were given documents pertaining to the detail of the export of food arrangement and some other matters. Although the amount of food written down on the paper is enough to feed all 250 million people without any worry, the Ministry of Finance was being conservative, knowing the undeveloped level of the Qua Toynians' logistics, and the food production capability of Japan herself.

Japan itself is very technologically advanced when compared to this world, but it still has some limitations, especially when it comes to agriculture and food production. Since Yokosuka and other shipyards of Japan were one of the most important producers of ships for the United Nation Cosmos Navy and later on, the Earth Federation Cosmos Navy, Japan relies heavily on the food replicator technology and other parts of Earth for food supply. While the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture have tried to revitalize the agricultural industry, it's not enough to supply the entirety of Japan's population. As such after being cut off from the old world, it needs to find a new supplier of food to trade with as soon as possible.

"Is that amount of food too much for Qua Toyne to bear, Mr. Yagou? If that was the case..." – Yuna

"No, Mrs. Kosada. This amount that you listed in here is certainly within the capability of our farmers and lands. Our motherland is one that was blessed by the spirit, so I can assure you that we can produce this much quantity, if not much more. However, the problem is not how much we can produce, but it lies in transportation and technology. As much as we produce, it would be for nothing if we can't get it to you before the food spoils..." – Yagou

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