Chapter 16: Military Matters

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Topa Kingdom, 19th December 1639 CCY

The ships of the joint Japan-Parpaldia fleet have arrived in the capital of Topa, Berngen. The three gigantic ships of Japan and about 200 ships from Parpaldia. The warships proudly flying the flag of the rising sun are of more interest to the Topans. They have never seen such a large warship made out of metal that is not equipped with sails. The large cannons evoke a mighty feeling in them. The Parpaldian ships, however, the only times they come to Topa are to collect tribute of goods and slaves for some vague promises of protection and their outdated technology. No good feeling for or from them. In fact, people questioned why they even bothered to come. And they are clearly outmatched by the Japanese battleships.

The airstrikes and the ferry of refugees from Tormeus have given Japan a much more friendly feeling from Topa's upper echelons. Everyone can see and hear the hypersonic missiles fired from the direction of the Japanese battleship and the fighters of Japan can be seen flying over their head, with the blazing sun with an anchor emblem painted on their wings.

The Topans has only expected the arrival of the Japanese, they did not think the Parpaldian would come. Yamanami and Director Kaios are walking toward the meeting hall of Topa's government. The status of Topa is quite a... contested issue in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Parpaldia. On the one hand, Topa is located in the Philades continent, so the 2nd Foreign argued that it should be under their control. On the other hand, the 3rd Foreign has said that Topa has no superpower benefactor, and because it's the gate that guards the Philades against the monsters of Grameus Continent, as well as the ineffectiveness of the 2nd Foreign in recent years, it should be placed under the 3rd Foreign for better management.

They argued, and in the end, with some smooth talking from Rius, the emperor, with some suggestion from Remille, ordered both of them to share the responsibility to deal with Topa. Clearly, that was the wrong order as the two departments always fight each other about what to do. And Kaios always has to clean up Rius' mess. One can only wonder how golden that tongue of Rius is.

They walk into the room decorated in the Medieval Europe style and come before the leader of Topa, King Rados XVI.

"It's an honor to meet you, your highness. I am Admiral Osamu Yamanami, captain of the battleship JCN Andromeda II and the commander of the strike package from Japan sent to aid the kingdom against the invasion." – Yamanami

"I am Director Kaios of the Thir..." – Kaios

"I know who you are, Director Kaios. Though quite late, we appreciate... your arrival. For you, on the other hand, it's our honor to receive your help, Admiral Yamanami. Your wyvern knights... no... what is the word... pilots, is it? Yes, pilots have proven their valor. Had you not intervened, all citizens of Tormeus would have been murdered. On behalf of our citizens, please accept our deepest gratitude." – Rados XVI

Though the tone and the use of words by the king are quite amicable, his action speaks louder than his words. The disdain for Parpaldia can clearly be felt. Kaios is clearly annoyed by this, but he has to stay silent. It was his country's treaty with Topa that Parpaldia will respond to their call for help and give them technology, in exchange, goods and slaves tribute must be paid every year. But every time he wants to do something, the 2nd Foreign under Rius always blocks his legislation. Rius' stupidity has almost doomed this kingdom and exposed not just the Philades continent but also Parpaldia Empire to the danger of the Demon Lord.

"Your Majesty, please don't worry too much. The Japan Cosmos Navy was just doing what was right. Now, shall we discuss the battles ahead?" – Yamanami

"Oh, please, go ahead, I am very curious. Guards, get a map out for the honorable admiral!" – Rados XVI

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