Chapter 32: The Rising Anger

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28th February 1640 CCY Courveil, Parpaldia Empire

"Welcome to the special report of NHK news at 5 PM. I am Daiki Yasuda. As reported a few days ago, an earthquake of magnitude of 8.5 Richter happened in the city of Courveil, Parpaldia which also affected Le Brias, the capital of Altaras. We have sent a reporting team to Courveil onboard the JCS Musashi. Reporter Kazumi Asakura will be with us shortly. Ms. Asakura, can you hear us?" – Daiki

"Loud and clear, Daiki. As you can see, the JCS Musashi, following a request for more extensive support in Courveil has been rerouted back from her diplomatic mission in Mu. On board with us here is also the reporting team from Mu Broadcasting Corporation. Glad to have you here with us, Ms. Piper." – Kazumi

"Thank you, Ms. Asakura, and I'm glad to see you again. I am Audrey Piper, from the MBC. As Ms. Asakura has reported, we are currently onboard the JCS Musashi, a Yamato-class battleship belonging to the Japanese Navy. We just arrived at the port of Courveil. At the moment, the Japan Cosmos Navy and Royal Muan Navy vessels are working together loading off the supplies from the transport ships." – Audrey

"What a sad view. My best wishes are with the people of Courveil." – Daiki

"Indeed it is, we'll be departing the Musashi shortly to get a better view onsite. We'll contact back when we have arrived." – Kazumi

"And toward the viewers in Mu. I too will follow Ms. Asakura toward the field hospital. We'll report back to you all that's happening in a moment." – Audrey

Kazumi then signals for her personal drone camera that she gives an affectionate nickname "Chamo" to stop the feeds. Now, it's time for the reporters from Japan and Mu to get in the thick of action and report. 

The two reporters and their teams walk out onto the deck of the Musashi. Before them is the scene of devastation caused by the earthquake. The port of Courveil has been totally leveled, with wreckage littering all over it. Even before the earthquake, there was no way the port could support any ships the size of a Kearsarge-class armed transport ship due to the small capacity of the port as well as the lack of needed facilities. Now it definitely couldn't dock any vessels anytime soon. On the side of it, four vessels of Japan have beached themselves on the beach of Courveil to facilitate the transportation of supplies. The reporting team from Mu is particularly interested in the contour and shape of the exposed underside of the Japanese vessels, having that footage would help Mu to gain valuable insight on some of the ships from Japan.

Meanwhile, other vessels from Mu and Japan have docked near the beached cargo ships. They are transporting the supplies, personnel, and medical equipment toward the Rinjani and Yari. Turns out, by beaching their ships and using the repair barges as impromptu ports, they have made a remarkable temporary harbor adequate for docking many large vessels. Although part of the Rinjani has been used as a temporary hospital, supplies, and equipment going toward her direction can only be sent to the shore. Meanwhile, the geological survey ship, JCGS Sir David Attenborough has arrived on the scene to assist with the rescue efforts of the buried miners. She's dispatching heavy equipment toward the mine with the help of a few aircraft from other vessels. Now, the Muans and Parpaldians are working with the Japanese to unload all of the supplies. The camera briefly shows the scene of cooperation between the three countries.

"Bring that to Bay 9 on the Rinjali. Those are medical supplies. They'll certainly need it." – Japanese Supply Officer

"Got it. What about these boxes?" – Parpaldian Soldier

"Let me check the serial. Those are the drilling equipment for rescuing people at the mine. I'll tell others to bring them on a transport craft." – Japanese Supply Officer

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