Chapter 30: The Red Crystals

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Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire 24th, February 1640 CCY

Almost two weeks have passed since the military festival in Fenn. Though, the events that happened in Amanoki have seared in the mind of everyone who participated, especially the people in the general staff of Parpaldian Military. The first appearance of a highly modernized military of the countries that allied with Japan, which were followed by the show of force from the Japan Cosmos Navy and its allies, and then followed by the annihilation of a notorious pirate fleet. The Battle of Fenn-Gaharan Sea, if it could even be called that, was a straight up massacre of a pirate fleet that was just a bit weaker than a contemporary Parpaldian armada of the same size. Japan had perfectly demonstrated to other nations around the Third and Outside Civilized Area why they should join them.

Outgunned, out ranged, the Parpaldian Navy realized for sure that in the event of war, even just facing the fleets of Japan's allies, they would still be reduced into wooden planks. But even with such facts in front of their eyes, some more hawkish personnel of the Parpaldian Military still deluded to think that with their overwhelming numbers, they can still carve out a victory, no matter how small that is. But Supreme Commander Arde knows that victory will be a pyrrhic one, as after that, Parpaldia will be left completely defenseless as not only their reserve forces, but also entire populations and resources will be completely depleted to almost nothing left.

Worst still, the Foreign Department has to make concessions on never making threats on any countries that are allied with Japan and respect their sovereignty, all to preserve the trade deal that they signed just a month ago. For Japan's side, the appearance of a pirate fleet using similar equipment and ships to Parpaldian Navy has raised much concern to Tokyo, to the point of using threat of economic embargo and sanctions if they find out that Parpaldia was really supporting the pirates. It's easy to point out why Japan would viciously pursue an anti-piracy policy, since their economy in the new world is much dependent on sea trade, and Japan also relies on many of her allies to supply her with food and raw material. Though it has never been traced back to Parpaldia, with them saying those ships were captured by the pirates. Arde and Armos have been working really hard to determine why so many of their old ships were used by the pirates.

"Your Highness, so... in this incident... we are still investigating how the pirates could get their hands on many of our ships. All of them are of the older classes of ship that were put in reserve. Granted the security is not as tight as in our active fleet, but such theft of many of our arsenal should not have been unnoticed for that long. I've taken my liberty to apprehend the head of the reserve fleet and the rest of people in charge of the ports for the investigation. I am thoroughly sorry that I can't say anything more on this matter, as all the facts are yet to be discovered." – Armos

The Emperor sits at the end of the table, rubbing his hand on his chin. He's frustrated not only by what just happened at Fenn, but also the implications of such events. It would have been... no... although not as bad, but still much better if it was just the Japanese that fired at those ships. But in this case, it's the Fennese and Gaharan that scored the first kill, using Japanese made equipment. He has worried that this would cause those countries under the yokes of Parpaldia to do the same thing as Topa: Throwing away the treaties that were signed with his empire for a much better one with Japan, diminishing Parpaldia's influence on the Third Civilized Area even further. Even Superpower like Mu, or that notoriously arrogant Holy Milishial Empire, have begun to sidestep Parpaldia and go straight to Japan for any matter related to the Third Civilized Area.

However, that's not all of his problems. The incident happened before that, the one that was agreed by both Parpaldia and Japan to be swept under a rug: the unruly high-ranking officer and his adjutant disobeyed orders, spouted out military secrets and harassed Fenn citizens.

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