Chapter 18: Overture

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22nd December 1639 CCY

With the conclusion of the Battle for Tormeus, Topa is, for now, free of genocidal demons. The oversight army of Parpaldia is sailing straight for home, having exhausted just a tenth of their supply, but achieved almost nothing, and knowing that they would be put in grave danger if his army step their feet on either Altaras or Fenn. Japan, however, is invited to stay in Topa. In fact, the people of Topa want the Japanese to stay and help their defense of the harsh frontier.

Topa is in the talk for creating a Mutual Defensive Agreement with Japan. With this, Japan shall gain another base, the first foothold that they have in the Philades continent. For Parpaldia however, the previous treaty with Topa is voided and nulled one-sidedly by Topan's side. Despite the threat of cutting off the aid of technology to Topa, the Topans shred proverbial the treaty with zero hesitation, going as far as returning all muskets received from Parpaldia and asking Kaios to return all the Topan nationals that were taken as slaves.

Berngen Royal Castle, Berngen, Topa

A big celebration is happening in the hall of the royal castle. Many nobles of Topa and service members of the Japan Military are gathered here together with the royal family. As the king seated, the guard announced the arrival of four people from the Japanese side.

"Now enter, Admiral Osamu Yamanami, Major Naganuma Yamada, Lieutenant Akira Yamamoto, and Lieutenant Kenzo Yamaguchi!" – Guards

The four people in their dress uniform walk into the hall on the red carpet as the doors open. They walk in front of King Rados XVI and kneeled down. After greeting the king, the prime minister stands before the four and reads aloud what's written on the piece of parchment.

"Admiral Osamu Yamanami, Major Naganuma Yamada, for your valiant defense of Topa, his majesty the King has decided to grant you the Order of Royal Knight of Topa and Honorary Title of Margrave for both of you. Together with this, his majesty also wishes to give you land and money." – Prime Minister Raviz

"Thank you, your majesty." – Yamada, Yamanami

"However, we'll only be accepting the title. We are Japanese, and we have a duty to our motherland, and our families are still there. Those binding ties are not something that we can cut so easily." – Yamada

"That's correct, your majesty. We are just doing our job." – Yamanami

"Such generosity. Our kingdom can't thank you enough." – Rados XVI

Now the attention of the people turns on the other two service members of the Japan Military, the two heroes of the battle of Tormeus, as they say, it. Akira in the Cosmos Tiger I destroyed the giant rock golem and forced the demon lord to stay on the ground. Kenzo, the commander of the Type-76 MBT immobilize the demon lord and finally killed it with an accurate shot from the 140mm tank gun.

"For the warriors from Japan who fought courageously and valiantly at Tormeus, granting us the chance to fight back the demon lord, you all shall be knighted, we are all very grateful for your service. For Lieutenant Akira Yamamoto and Lieutenant Kenzo Yamaguchi, we shall grant you both the Order of Royal Knight of Topa and the Honorary Title of Baron and Baroness for shooting down the giant rock golem and directly contributing to the slaying of the demon lord Nosrogath! I take it that you also would refuse our gift of land and money?" – Prime Minister

"That's correct, sir. We thank you for your generosity, your majesty." – Akira, Kenzo

Akira and Kenzo had hoped to get their wingmates and crewmates respectively to stand with them and receive the awards from the king, but their comrades all tell them to just go and enjoy themselves at the party. The people in the hall clapped their hands in celebration of the people. But the king stands up once again and takes out another piece of parchment.

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