Chapter 53: Threat and Assurance

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Japan Cosmos Navy 6th Fleet, Flagship JCS Susanoo, 6th Fleet, The New Sea of Japan, 23 March 1640 CCY

The ships of the 6th Fleet have been traveling with the ships of the Gra Valkas Empire and the Holy Milishial Empire for a little while. But... the Princess of Japan collapsed due to the massive and unfiltered psionic energy release yesterday, they have been staying in the exact same position. Currently, the sight that everyone is seeing is quite... worrying. All ships of the 6th Fleet are stopped in the middle of the sky... ominously.

They have stopped short of pointing all of the barrels mounted on the ships of the 6th Fleet at the Holy Milishial Delegation and stopped words of the incident from coming out. However, the atmosphere on the flagship is quite severe. At the moment, Princess Mirai has been moved to the medical bay for treatment while Rear Admiral Shouko has confined herself inside her room. Her adjutant, Lieutenant Leopold is taking up the temporary authority to command the fleet.

"So, could you tell me what the hell you intended to do back there?" – Gra Cabal

At the moment, Crown Prince Gra Cabal, Prince Lyari, and their companions are sitting in a different guest room. Leopold has shown them how to use the control panel next to the door to order anything they need and assigned one of the crew members to guard them.

"Do not talk to the Prince that way..." – Phillame

"I will talk however I want. Even if you did not have such a thought, it doesn't change that what you said has provoked an officer of Japan and put Princess Mirai in harm's way." – Gra Cabal

"You..." – Phillame

"Enough, Phillame. It is true that I have been too careless with my words. Then I must..." – Lyari

"If you want to apologize, not to me. The ones you have to apologize to are Princess Mirai and Rear Admiral Shouko." – Gra Cabal

"Again, you're being too dis..." – Phillame

Before Phillame could finish his sentence, Grand Admiral Caesar stepped in front of the crown prince.

"And you're being disrespectful to the Crown Prince of the Gra Valkas Empire. We and Japan are from a different world, we care not for where we are located on some arbitrary line on the map that you people have decided by yourself. We both hold the power from our respective worlds, a power that you can't comprehend because of your way. Do not look down upon us. What His Majesty the Crown Prince says is entirely reasonable and has its merit. Let me put it in another way, Japan has the power to change or destroy this world, and we're standing on one of her instruments." – Caesar

"Still, you can't speak so casually to his highness!" – Phillame

"Offending your prince is the last thing we care about right now. Perhaps because you are a diplomat of such a prominent empire, you may have missed why Japan is still dealing with you respectfully. Like I said, a single action of either of our delegations may make Japan help this world flourish, or burn it to ash. Do you wish for them to turn their guns on this entire world like we once did? We destroyed one of your pitiful superpowers in a matter of weeks after they murdered one of our imperial family members. Think wisely. Isn't that your job as a diplomat?" – Caesar

"Phillame, calm down. They are not wrong. I must see the Princess and the Rear Admiral and apologize to them..." – Lyari

"Good, you do that..." – Gra Cabal

Suddenly, a jolt can be felt. Susanoo has been floating in the sky for so long that everyone has forgotten it is not a vessel. The crown prince quickly walks over to the door control panel and press the communication button.

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