Chapter 47: Blood Ties

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Northern Express Train "Nordflieger", Reitzenberg province, Gra Valkas Empire, 12th March 1640 CCY

At nightfall, the Japanese delegates and the Kaiser's entourages decided to move from the rather austere training base Ramstein back to the more developed Reitzenberg Stadt. To facilitate the transporting of the important figures, the Northern Express Company, which is owned partly by the Reitz Family and the magnate Alfred von Myers, has stepped up and ordered their best engines and cars to head north to serve the Kaiser and his entourage. The Nordfliger, or the Northern Flyer, is one of the biggest and best steam locomotives yet in the service of the empire. Due to the Northern Express' standard gauge being about 2000 mm wide to help with the stability and service to the whole Northern provinces of the empire, the Nordflieger, which is specially designed to run on those tracks has a massive proportion to it. With a length of roughly 46 m, it is truly massive when placed next to a Terran standard gauge (1435 mm wide).

Instead of burning coal like the previous generations of steam locomotives, the Nordflieger, or Class Super 325 locomotive, is designed to run on oil. This helps the train to run more efficiently and make use of the vast oil resources that the northern province provides for the empire. Coincidentally, the name of this class of locomotive also boasts about the steam pressure that its boiler can produce, 325 psi, which in turn can propel the massive 500 mm x 900 mm cylinders of the train and its wheels to achieve the speed of 180km/h. Coupled with the aerodynamic design, the black train with gold stencils is truly majestic.

On this trip, aside from the royal armored car and the luxurious restaurant car, the train also pulled along the defensive railway cars armed with 37mm AA guns, staff cars for the guards, and flatbeds to carry all of the vehicles that were used to drive the delegation to Ramstein and the Leonidas I tank that was gifted to Princess Mirai. Because of the weight, it is deemed that the use of a second Class Super 325 locomotive for the trip by the Office of Sovereign and the Northern Express HQ, so in addition to the Nordflieger, there is the Bergsteiger. With the train departing from the station at Ramstein, the people begin to settle into their cabin.

"So... what do you think?" – Noah

"Hm... I'm amazed. This is the first time I've ever seen a steam locomotive outside of the museum... and this one stands on its own." – Mako

"Mhm... whenever I have time, I always try to book a ticket on this train. The Nordflieger can take you to some spectacular sights through my family's domain." – Noah

"Eh~ it's nice to come from such a prestigious family, right?" – Mako

"Hey, I do pay my fare with my captain's pay, alright? But anyhow, how's my Schokoladenlikör? To your satisfaction?" – Noah

"Hm... I'd say it's really nice. Hot chocolate, with something like Irish cream liquor, hm... peppermint schnapp, and whipped cream. It's great for weather like this." – Mako

"Glad it's to your liking. So, what do you like about it?" – Noah

"Hm~ it's warm not just because of the temp. It has... a calming quality to it. I love it." – Mako

"Mhm~ it's also one of my mother's favorite drinks. So I had quite a bit of practice making them." – Noah

"Fufu~ you're such a diligent son." – Mako

Sitting in the empty restaurant car at the moment is the two rear admirals, one from the Empire, and one from Japan. Both of them are holding a drink of their own. Since other VIP guests had already gone to rest, Noah requested the bartenders to leave the car to him and Mako only. Looking outside, the landscape is beautifully lit by the moonlight. The ambiance of the luxurious room is lightened with the recording of a famous jazz piece.

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